Here is a skeleton for a stay open, in backgrround (LSUiElement=1) application for handling recurring events.
That is, it is designed to do the same thing over and over a certain number of times, at certain times, during a day, 7 days a week. There are more timeslots, than there are times, to be a little bit flexible.
You configure it, to set the different hours you want to event to be triggered, and a number of times you want that to happen. For the case that your machine sleeps at some point in time.
You fill the executed() event with your code, and it should return whether the event succeeded or not, since further treatment of that event in the list is dependent on that.
Well, the code should be pretty straight forward to read, just ask if there is somehting I have missed to disclose.
The motivation is of course not to have iCal (Calendar) littered with those things, and it can of course also be programmed, (by you) to consider weekdays or workdays/weekends. Please post your work if you do.
property parent : AppleScript
property appTitle : "Messager"
property executedInListNr : 2
property eventAtTimesList : {{"3", false}, {"5", false}, {"9", false}, {"11", false}, {"14", false}, {"17", false}, {"20", false}, {"23", false}}
-- can be expanded to work for individual days workdays/weekdays etc.
property timeframeInMinues : 20
-- if we are awoken not later than within this timeframe, we execute the event.
property maxEventCountPerDay : 5
-- the maximum number of times we want to show the event.
property eventsExecutedThisDay : 0
property currentDay : 0
-- the proprerties specific for your app comes here.
on run
-- whatever you need to initialize for your app comes here
if firstTime() then initializeDayData()
# idle {}
on error e number n
my logit("OOps run : " & e & " " & n, my appTitle)
end try
end run
on idle
if firstTime() then initializeDayData()
-- we can't work with yesterday's data.
set eventnum to isAnEventToExecute()
if eventnum > 0 then
if executedEvent() then
set item executedInListNr of item eventnum of eventAtTimesList to true
-- and increasing the event count
set eventsExecutedThisDay to eventsExecutedThisDay + 1
tell me
display dialog "Something failed, tries again in " & timeframeInMinues & " minutes" with title my appTitle
end tell
end if
end if
return timeframeInMinues * minutes
-- we wake up every 20 minutes
on error e number n
my logit("OOps idle : " & e & " " & n, my appTitle)
end try
end idle
on isAnEventToExecute()
-- figures out if there is an event to execute
if eventsExecutedThisDay < maxEventCountPerDay then
set {thisHour, minutesPassed} to {hours, minutes} of (current date)
log thisHour
set eventCount to (count eventAtTimesList)
repeat with i from eventCount to 1 by -1
if thisHour ≥ item 1 of item i of eventAtTimesList then
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
-- check if has already been executed
if item executedInListNr of item i of eventAtTimesList then
return 0
-- we are marking it as executed anyway
if minutesPassed ≤ timeframeInMinues then
return i
return 0
end if
end if
return 0
end if
on error e number n
my logit("OOps : isAnEventToExecute" & e & " " & n, my appTitle)
return 0
end try
end isAnEventToExecute
to logit(log_string, log_file)
do shell script ¬
"echo `date '+%Y-%m-%d %T: '`\"" & log_string & ¬
"\" >> $HOME/Library/Logs/" & log_file & ".log"
end logit
to executedEvent()
-- reworked for the event of failure
set everythingesokay to true
if everythinggoesOkay then
return true
return false
end if
end executedEvent
on firstTime()
-- returns true if it is the first time this day
set today to day of (current date)
if my currentDay ≠today then
set my currentDay to today
return true
return false
end if
end firstTime
to initializeDayData()
set my eventsExecutedThisDay to 0
repeat with anEvent in eventAtTimesList
set item executedInListNr of anEvent to false
end repeat
end initializeDayData