SKProgressBar 1.0, a fully scriptable progress bar

No, it’s not possible. You need a loop to increment the counter

[Ann] Version 1.8, updated to Swift 5 with Catalina and Dark Mode support.

SKProgressBar is code signed and notarized.

Link: SKProgressBar1.8

SKProgressBar is a godsend! I had been using ProgBar as my progress bar, but it is no longer functional under Catalina. After some searching for a substitute, I came upon SKPB, and my prayers were answered!

I especially love the ability to include images in the bar. I have a question regarding that - is there any way to make the image field larger? App icons show up great in the bar, but images from JPEGs et al are often too tiny to be recognizable.

Thanks for providing this!

Thanks for the update, but it won’t run for me, running Script Debugger 7.0.11 (7A106) on macOS 10.14.6 (Mojave).

I get this error running your demo SKProgressbarDemo.scpt:

on this line:

set «class hDsZ» to «constant hfSZrgSZ» --> default is small

How do I fix it?

Just for reference, here is the entire script:

property currentValue : 0.0
property maxValue : 10.0

set iconPath to (path to applications folder as text) & ""

tell application "SKProgressBar"
	set title to "Demo of SKProgressBar 1.6" --> default is "SKProgressBar"
	set floating to false --> default is true
	set position to {100, 100} --> default is {1000, 750}, origin point is bottom left
	set width to 400.0 --> default is 500.0
	-- (progress bar 1 by definition)
	--	It already exists, so no need to create
	tell main bar --main bar
		set minimum value to 0.0 --> default is 0.0
		set maximum value to maxValue -->  default is 100.0
		set current value to currentValue --> default is 0.0
		-- header / footer properties
		set header to "MAIN Progress Bar" --> default is empty string
		set header alignment to center --> default is left
		set «class hDsZ» to «constant hfSZrgSZ» --> default is small
		set footer to "footer" --> default is empty string
		set footer alignment to center -->  default is left
		set «class fTsZ» to «constant hfSZmiSZ» --> default is small
		-- image path can be HFS or POSIX path, default is missing value (no image)
		set image path to iconPath
	end tell
	set progressBar2 to make new progress bar at after progress bar 1 with properties {header:"TEST Progress Bar #2", header alignment:center}
	tell progressBar2
		set maximum value to maxValue
		set current value to currentValue
	end tell
	--	This will show one window will all progress bars
	set show window to true --> default is false
	tell main bar
		set indeterminate to false
		start animation
	end tell
	repeat 10 times
		my resetMainBar()
		tell progressBar2
			if current value is 1.0 then
				set indeterminate to false
				start animation
			end if
		end tell
		repeat 10 times
			tell main bar to increment by 1
			delay 1
		end repeat
		tell progressBar2 to increment by 1
	end repeat
	tell main bar to stop animation
	tell progressBar2 to stop animation
	quit -- This quits the SKProgressBar app, closing all Progress Bars
end tell

on resetMainBar()
	tell application "SKProgressBar"
		tell main bar
			set maximum value to maxValue
			set current value to currentValue
		end tell
	end tell
end resetMainBar

Model: 2019 iMac-27
Browser: Safari 537.36
Operating System: macOS 10.14

[Ann] Version 1.9, compiled for Intel and M1 (Universal)


@JMichaelTX. Sorry, I didn’t notice your post. Delete all old versions of SKProgressBar to avoid the terminology clash.

Hi Stefan,
trying to use SKProgressBar1.9 to display several progress bars about some nested processes for my scripts, I encounter a problem as soon as I try to add a 3rd progress bar. Working with a copy of your demo script, I get an AppleScript Execution Error saying “Erreur dans SKProgressBar : Le gestionnaire AppleEvent a échoué.” and a -10000 error code (errAEEventFailed) as soon as I reach the extra line

set progressBar3 to make new progress bar at after progress bar 2 with properties {header:"EXTRA Progress Bar #3"}

I’ve added after ‘CREATE & SETUP PROGRESS BAR #2’ block and before ‘DISPLAY/ACTIVATE THE PROGRESS BARS’ one.
Did I misunderstand that number of progress bars was potentially unlimited, and if not, do you have any idea of what is going wrong?
Thanks a lot.

Digging around encountered problem, I made some further tests. It is indeed possible to have more than 2 progress bars in window, but there’s definitely something weird around progress bar 2 when we try to have 3 or more of them.

This leads to a -1000 error

tell application "SKProgressBar"
	set ProgressBar2 to make new progress bar at after progress bar 1 with properties {header:"2nd"} --> OK
	set ProgressBar3 to make new progress bar at after progress bar 2 with properties {header:"3rd"} --> error -1000
end tell

While this executes without error

tell application "SKProgressBar"
	set ProgressBar2 to make new progress bar at after progress bar 1 with properties {header:"2nd"} -- OK
	set ProgressBar3 to make new progress bar at before progress bar 2 with properties {header:"3rd"} -- OK
	-- set ProgressBar4 to make new progress bar at after progress bar 3 with properties {header:"4th"} --> error -1000
	set ProgressBar4 to make new progress bar at after progress bar 2 with properties {header:"4th"} -- OK
	set AllProgressBars to every progress bar
	set show window to true
end tell

3 progress bars are created besides main, but both ProgressBar2 and ProgressBar3 have ‘progress bar 2’ object as value and window seems to display the 3 extra-bars as the same, all with ‘2nd header’. However

every progress bar

do return 4 different objects: main as progress bar 1, named ‘3rd’ as progress bar 2, named ‘4th’ as progress bar 3 and named ‘2nd’ as progress bar 4 (quite logical considering location set in make commands).

All that said, considering my need of 6 progress bars for 6 parallels processes, I’ve ended up with the following:

tell application "SKProgressBar"
	repeat with i from 1 to 7
		make new progress bar at after progress bar 1 with properties {header:"#"}
	end repeat
	set progress bar 1's header to "Bar 1"
	set progress bar 2's header to "Bar 2" -- not displayed
	set progress bar 3's header to "Bar 3"
	set progress bar 4's header to "Bar 4"
	set progress bar 5's header to "Bar 5"
	set progress bar 6's header to "Bar 6"
	set progress bar 7's header to "Bar 7"
	set progress bar 8's header to "Bar 8" -- displayed twice
	set show window to true
end tell

I thought I would just have to do ‘delete progress bar 2’ and ‘delete bar 8’ to fall back on my feet, but it’s still not working properly: display is fine but tests proved we still need to address progress bars with their original index, so at the end the last bar is unusable.

I’d be grateful for any help or fix.

Thank you for your report. I will try to fix it.

Edit: I think I got it, stupid mistakes.

SKProgressBar 2.0

Minimum OS version is now 10.13, the app is code-signed and notarized.

Thanks a lot Stefan for the bugfix, now is working fine

The link in my most recent post is broken.

Please use this one:

SKProgressBar 2.0

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