Is it possible to connect to a document based web service with AS call soap?
I am a complete newbie when it comes to web services, but as I understand it a web service (wsdl) can either be document styled or rpc styled. All the example scripts I have seen calls a rpc styled web service.
It’s great that AS has the XML-RPC stuff now, but I don’t think it does doc style. I could be wrong. There’s a good doc on this on Apple’s Applescript site. I imagine they’ll have to add it at some point since all the .net-ers are using it.
My advice would be to do a PERL or PHP script and call it with do shell script. Only downside is that you’ll have to concatenate your arrays to send them back into the script in stdout and then parse them back to arrays or lists. If you’re just grabbing something simple, no problem. If you have a complex or dynamic XML structure, this will take some effort.
Thank’s very much for your answer. I posted this topic on applescript users as well but no one cared to answer.
I have tried on an internal .NET web service at my agency but the script never returns any useful data.
It’s a very simple web service that returns the name of a user. Looking at the log file on the server everything seems to work, but instead of returning a string with a user name i get the string “0”. In case of an error it should return an integer 0.
I will look for the doc on the AppleScript page, but if I don’t find it, you don’t happen to know the address of it?