Hi all!
I’ve been running Maury McCown’s SpamReporter script from Entourage 2008 for some time now. i had recently updated the script to include my Spamcop address, but regrettably, it’s no longer working. I have verified (and re-verified) that I had it entered correctly. I even removed the “uce@ftc.gov” address. But no joy. I then removed my Spamcop address, and added the uce@ftc.gov back to the script. But it still will not trigger!
I am using other scripts right now from the Script Menu, such as Open in BBEdit, and even other spam reporting scripts, and they all work fine. The only one in my inventory that won’t work is the SpamReporter script.
Has anyone else run across this? I am able to compile fine, and there isn’t anything that jumps out at me:
-- SpamReporter created by Maury McCown © 2002.
-- Read through the script and change the items labeled "MODIFY!" to your liking.
-- Please note: This script works ONLY with Microsoft Entourage.
-- Version 1.5 as of 05-15-2002
-- Add email addresses you would like to send the report to below. Keep each address in quotations and separate them with commas.
set reportTo to {"uce@ftc.gov", "submit.MYIDMASKED@spam.spamcop.net"} -- If you have a SpamCop.net address, add it right after the "uce@ftc.gov" address.
-- If you want the script to automatically delete the original Spam message, leave the next line set to true. Otherwise set it to false.
set deleteSpam to true
-- If you want the script to automatically send the report message on its own, leave AutoSend set to true. Otherwise set it to false.
set AutoSend to true
-- If you want the script to use a specific email address account to send reports with, set SpecifyAccount to true. Otherwise, it will use your defaut account.
set SpecifyAccount to true
-- If you DO want the script to use a specific email address account and you set SpecifyAccount to true, then enter the name of the account below.
set MyAccountName to "MASK" -- If you to use a specific email account, be sure to enter the account's name between the quotes!
tell application "Microsoft Entourage"
set selectedMessages to the current messages
if selectedMessages is {} then
display dialog "Please select a message (or messages) and then run this script." with icon 2
end if
repeat with theMessage in the selectedMessages
set theSubject to subject of theMessage
set theBody to source of theMessage
set theAccount to account of theMessage
if SpecifyAccount then
set MyMessage to make new outgoing message with properties {account:POP account MyAccountName, recipient:reportTo, subject:"FWD SPAM: " & theSubject, content:theBody}
set MyMessage to make new outgoing message with properties {account:theAccount, recipient:reportTo, subject:"FWD SPAM: " & theSubject, content:theBody}
end if
delete the attachments of MyMessage
if AutoSend then
send MyMessage
end if
if deleteSpam then
set read status of theMessage to read
delete theMessage
end if
end repeat
end tell
Am I missing anything? I just can’t see why this sucker shouldn’t be working. I even put it back to its original, and it still will not run. I can invoke it directly, and it calls for the message. I have to stop it at that point, but it appears to be running fine.
Any ideas?
Thanks for your help!
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