I was wondering if there was anyway I could put in a choice of speed of the voice being spoken. Is this scriptable?
set anSwer to the text returned of (display dialog "What text do you want to record?" default answer "") as text
set the_names to {"Fred", "Bruce", "Alex", "Albert", "Ralph", "Junior", "Vicky", "Agnes", "Kathy", "Princess", "Victoria"}
repeat with this_name in the_names
tell application "System Events"
say "Using " & this_name & "'s voice..., " & anSwer using this_name
display dialog "Do you want to save this as an Audio File?" buttons {"Yes", "No"} default button 1
if the button returned of the result is "Yes" then
set fileName to this_name & ".aiff"
set video_path to ((path to desktop as text) & fileName)
say anSwer using this_name saving to video_path
display dialog "Not good? Ok, moving onto the next voice."
end if
on error
display dialog "Didn't Work"
end try
end tell
end repeat
display dialog "You are done!"
Yes, I figured it out. I found out that I was opening the wrong dictionary, and someone else pointed me in the right direction. Thanks for your time though.