In a recent post, both Craig and Adam expressed some interest in possibly adding other scripting languages to the MacScripter discussions. Ruby, rb-appscript were the languages in particular. I think this forum is an excellent place to bring together these diverse scripting languages with the intent of actually “bringing them to the masses.” This may be a little geeky for some, but I think that there is a place in the Mac universe for short self contained applescript apps, ruby scripts, shell scripts or any combination thereof, which can be accessed like a macro using Spotlight. This would function much like Quicksilver, but without a separate 3rd party application. Lets face it, Spotlight in Leopard just rocks, and it is time to take advantage of this!
I have been informally testing this idea, and I have coined the phrase “Spotlight Buddies” for short scripts which perform useful day to day functions which are accessed via Spotlight. The beauty of this is that you can take advantage of several scripting languages to achieve the desired end. Then you just have to name your script/app with a unique name so that it is easily found with spotlight. So you’d name your “BurnCD” script “xxburncd”. Then you could access it relatively painlessly by typing cmd-spacebar, type the Spotlight buddy program’s name, wait a sec for the program to become the “top hit” and then hit return to run it. Simple. No extra application required.
There are a few small glitches which need to be addressed, but I really think that the MacScripter forum is the place to discuss and develop this idea. Shell scripting, ruby, applescript, automator workflows, rb-appscript could all play a role. There are a zillion little, short, easy to write scripts which could be easily accessed via spotlight – scale selected graphic files, rotate selected graphic files, select a file and have the script select the files which get closest to filling up your CD and automagically burn the disc (I’ve done this one already as a Ruby script)… the possible uses are limited only by your imagination.
The easy way to distribute these would be just to save the compiled apps or completed scripts here. There are other options which might be more interesting, but we can discuss that if the level of interest is high enough. There are some really talented people on this board, who I am sure could come up with some really useful scripts. Any takers?