Stay-open script keeps quitting

Hi all,

I’m having a problem with a stay-open script constantly quitting on me. When I test the script on my G4 running Tiger, it stays open and works perfectly… however when I transfer it to the G5 (also running Tiger) that it will primarily reside on, every time I open the app it quits immediately.

If I comment out the idle handlers from the script and just run it once from Script Editor it works perfectly as well. Has anyone ever heard of this behavior? Any ideas what to look for?


Can you post the script (if not too long) so we can take a look??

Is your G5 a PowerPC or an Intel machine? That’s the only difference I can think of between your two systems.

If the G5 is an Intel machine, try saving the AppleScript as an Application Bundle. That should make it universal so it will run correctly on the Intel mac.

If that’s not the case, maybe there is something in your code that is triggering a quit? If you can post the code that would help troubleshoot.

I would love to post the code for you guys… unfortunately it’s both really huge and technically not my property to post (since I’m developing it for my employer).

Matt-Boy, it sounds like you may be on to something there. The G5 is an intel machine, so I’ll try saving it differently for that one and see if that works… I’d be surprised if it’s something in the code, as it will run as an application on the G4 perfectly.

I’ll post an update in a bit once I test it out… thanks for the suggestion!


Update: Saved as an application bundle on the G5, it’s running through the first few lines and allowing me to interact with it before the “on idle” handler. Once it (seemingly) gets there, it quits. Anybody have a handy way of debugging a problem like this?


I’m a dope :stuck_out_tongue: Was saving it as an app bundle but not checking the “stay open” box on the save dialog. Works like a charm now.

too funny :lol: - glad it’s working!