Super simple Timer

i wrote a timer-utility useful for any moment in a day. I simply like to proceed organized and use this app almost every day. Save the code as stay-open application and add a nice icon-to identify it with ease.

Here the code:

#build by Joy at 27.11.12
# Simple stopwatch

property diall : "STOPWATCH" & return & return & "set Minutes"
property stopph : 0
property cc : 0
property all_zeit : 0
property zeit_input : 0
property cu_dt : 0
property sound_file : POSIX path of ((path to library folder from system domain as text) & "Sounds:Funk.aiff" as text)

on run
	set {cc, all_zeit, cu_dt} to {0, 0, 0}
	my setze_zeit()
end run

on idle
	if cc > 0 then
		set Komplett_i to return & "Total time: " & tab & all_zeit
		repeat 2 times
			do shell script "afplay '" & sound_file & "'; sleep 0.1"
		end repeat
		display dialog "STOPWATCH" & return & return & stopph & ¬
			" Minutes elapsed " & Komplett_i with icon 1 buttons {"Repeat", "Quit"} default button 1
		set btn to the button returned of the result
		if btn is "Repeat" then
			my setze_zeit()
		end if
	end if
	set cc to cc + 1
	return stopph * 60
end idle

on setze_zeit()
	set stoppzeit to 0
		set stoppzeit to text returned of (display dialog diall default answer zeit_input with icon 1)
		set all_zeit to all_zeit + stoppzeit
	on error
	end try
		tell application "System Events" to set visible of process "Stopwatch" to false
	end try
	set stopph to stoppzeit
	set zeit_input to stoppzeit
	set cu_dt to current date
end setze_zeit

on quit
	continue quit
end quit

on reopen
	set cc to (current date) - cu_dt
	set detr_sec to (stopph * 60) - cc
	set t_diff to (stopph * 60) - detr_sec
	if detr_sec > 60 then
		set t_def to "Min"
		set detr_sec to detr_sec div 2
		set t_def to "Sek"
	end if
	if t_diff > 60 then
		set t_def to "Min"
		set t_diff to t_diff div 2
		set t_def to "Sec"
	end if
	display dialog "STATUS:" & return & return & "Elapsed: " & t_diff & space & t_def & return & "Remained: " & detr_sec & space & t_def & return & "Total: " & zeit_input & space & "Min" buttons {"Continue", "Quit"} default button 1 with icon 1
	set btn to the button returned of the result
		tell application "System Events" to set visible of process "Stopwatch" to false
	end try
	if btn is "Quit" then quit
end reopen