suppress logging

Friends, I’ve been exploring ASObjc. :cool:

I have an app that I want to distribute to others, and for that reason I have a lot of ‘log’ messages in the code for debugging purposes. However, I’d like to be able to have the user turn logging on or off with a button or menu item on the interface, as I don’t really want to fill up the console with log messages that are not needed unless the app is misbehaving (in short, I want to be able to tell the user to turn logging on if and only if there’s a problem).

Is there a way to suppress the AppleScript ‘log’ messages, or some other way I can turn logging on/off?


EDIT: it occurs to me that I could set a property and prepend each log statement with a conditional statement based on its setting. But that seems a bit laborious. Any other way?

Sorry to answer my own question, but yes, I’ve sort of half-solved the problem by declaring a property and then doing a search and replace of all the ‘log’ messages with 'if theLogging = “on” then log".

However, that’s raised a new issue. How do I set the logging property programmatically? I want it ‘off’ by default, but I want to be able to do some kind of ‘defaults write -logging ON’ type message in Terminal.

I just started to look at the developer pages for NSUserDefaultsController and am feeling a bit overwhelmed.

Can anyone give me a simple demo/example of how I could implement that or point me to something on the web that is a little less dense than this?



Usually I use this method:

property pDebugLog : true

tell application “Finder”
set existsFile to exists item “Macintosh HD:test.jpeg”
end tell
updateLog(“Check file exists”, 1, “Bla Bla bla”, existsFile)

on updateLog(routineName, errorCode, errorMsg, myVar)
if pDebugLog is true then
log {routineName, errorCode, errorMsg, myVar}
end if
end updateLog

You can use the updateLog also to write a txt log file or simply to log in console.
You can trap it in try on error or simply use as described above.
For enable the property just a menu command or capture if app has been launched with command-key or other modifier keys.


Hi Applehelpwriter,

This is the best way to do it if you simply want to affect the log command:

property shouldLog : true

on log x
	if shouldLog then continue log x
end log

You can handle the variable however you wish, the log handler is the important thing.


Thanks, Richard.

That’s more or less the way I did it, using a property and a conditional statement, but with more overhead {
sense deserted me and instead of thinking of putting the if.then clause in a mini-handler I just pre-pended it to each log statement :o

I’ll fix that for aesthetic purposes alone, now you’ve pointed it out.

Thx again!