Swedish letters and accents in Eudora

I use Eudora Pro 6
When I receive emails sent from PC ppl with å ä ö é è, etc, these letters don’t show properly. Instead, I get & % ( & =, etc.
I have written a script that uses BBedit to search and replace these.

What I do is:

  1. open the email message and check the edit button, select all and copy the text.(all this manually)
  2. switch to BBedit and chose the script from the Script Menu.
  3. the script creates a new doc, pastes the text from the clipboard, searches and replaces a whole lot of different predefined things, select all and copies the text, and finally closes the doc (without saving).
  4. switch back to Eudora and paste. (again manually)

No, I have 2 questions:

  1. Is there a way to do this directly in Eudora, without the need for BBedit? And if so, how?
  2. If not, how do I make an email message writable, copy all the text, dot the bbedit script and paste back in Eudora in one script? Is it possible???

Thanx for your help!

What you want to do is possible but, several years ago, when I asked a Eudora mailing list about this problem, here’s what was recommended. It worked.

If this doesn’t interest you, let us know and we’ll help with your script. :slight_smile:

thank you.
I’ll try that!

I’ll let you know if it works! :slight_smile:

by the way, the correct link is:


and the link to the files is:


Tack! :smiley: