I have been trying to switch between open Excel workbooks to transfer data and the way Iused to do it did not work in the end I turned to ChatGPT . Turned out using names of the open workbooks just did not work and I had to use their index. It. seems very cumbersome and I wondered if anyone had a better solution.
tell application "Microsoft Excel"
-- List all open workbooks by index
set workbookCount to count of workbooks
--set targetWorkbookName to "MasterSummary.xlsx"
set targetWorkbookName to "book2.xlsx"
set foundWorkbookIndex to 0
set workbookNames to {}
-- Iterate over workbooks by index
repeat with i from 1 to workbookCount
set wbName to name of workbook i
set end of workbookNames to wbName
if wbName is targetWorkbookName then
set foundWorkbookIndex to i
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
if foundWorkbookIndex is not 0 then
-- Activate the workbook by index
set active workbook to workbook foundWorkbookIndex
-- Add a delay
delay 0.5
-- Verify and get cell A1 value
set cellValue to value of range "A1" of active sheet of workbook foundWorkbookIndex
return cellValue
display dialog "Workbook '" & targetWorkbookName & "' is not open. Open workbooks: " & workbookNames as string
end if
end tell