Sync .Mac then reset MyCard to my identity in Tiger

What I want is (I think) really simple… I just want to sync between my computer an .Mac, and when it’s over, tell Address Book to set MyCard to my correct, well, card. (I sync between .Mac and two computers who share the same .Mac account but don’t have the same user name - my wife’s iBook and my eMac).

I have managed to make simple scripts for both operations
1- with basic GUI scripting, open sys prefs, go to .Mac prefpane then click Sync Now)
2- Open Address Book and set my card to the correct one

but what I can’t figure out is how to tell the script to “wait until syncing is done” before doing the Address Book part…
I’ m tryning to tell something like “check if “dotmacsyncclient” process is running and if so then quit sys prefs and do the address book part”… but I’m probably thinking the wrong thing here…

Any hint, someone?

a newbie


i think this is what you want put this in the part
tell window “.mac”

delay 2 -- wait 2 sec so the the button has time to disable
repeat until button "Sync Now" is enabled
					delay 2
				end repeat