Tab Delimited Text -> Split Into Lists

Tab Delimited Text → Split Into Lists

I have a text file where the item name and price are separated with a tab. Each pair is its own paragraph.

Apple $1.00
Orange $2.00
Banana $3.00

I need to go from that to two separate lists such as:
{“Apple”, “Orange”, “Banana”}
{“$1.00”, “$2.00”, “$3.00”}

Vanilla AS only. Thanks for the help.

property itemList : {}
property priceList : {}

set theInput to "Apple	$1.00
Orange	$2.00
Banana	$3.00"

set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {tab}

repeat with i from 1 to (count paragraphs of theInput)
	set tmpParagraph to paragraph i of theInput
		set {tmpItem, tmpPrice} to {text item 1 of tmpParagraph, text item 2 of tmpParagraph}
		copy tmpItem to the end of itemList
		copy tmpPrice to the end of priceList
	end try
end repeat

set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {""}

return {itemList, priceList}


You 'da man!

Thanks for the quick response!