Table view to text file: What am I missing?

I have a table I am trying to export to a text file. The table contains two columns.

I used code I located on the site to separate the columns using commas (csv).

set theData to (contents of every data cell of every data row of theDataSource)
set text item delimiters to {","}
repeat with i in theData
	set contents of i to i & return
end repeat
set theData to (theData as text)

set theFile to open for access (chaptersFile) with write permission
write theData to theFile
close access theFile
set text item delimiters to {""}

Which works great…almost.
The problem is that the saved file is listed like this:

Column 1,Column Two,
,Column 1, Column Two,
,Column 1, Column Two

It adds the TID to the beginning of the column as well. I even understand why it’s happening, but how to I fix it?

I considered setting up a custom repeat function that referenced each data cell of each column but I couldn’t seem to reference it correctly because if I do

set theData to (content of data cell 1 in every data row of theDataSource & "," & content of data cell 2 in every data row of theDataSource & return)

Its just going to be
Column 1 Column 1 Column 1 , Column Two Column Two Column Two

Am I missing something? Or a better question might be, what am I missing?

I still have been unable to solve this problem.

Does anyone have a suggestion or solution?

Try this. It should work on any number of columns.



set fileString to ""
repeat with i from 1 to count of theData
	set thisList to item i of theData
	repeat with l from 1 to count of thisList
		set thisItem to item l of thisList
		set fileString to fileString & thisItem & ", "
	end repeat
	set fileString to texts 1 thru -3 of fileString & return
end repeat

thank you for the reply.
I was unable to get the code to validate with the word “texts” but after changing it to “text” it validated, but the file is not saving correctly.

Here is the chunk of code that is involved, with your code implemented:

	if the name of theObject is "save" then
		set chaptersFile to (("/Library/Application Support/myApp/" & songSize) & ".ttt")
		set chaptersFile to POSIX file chaptersFile
		set theData to (contents of every data cell of every data row of theDataSource)
		set fileString to ""
		repeat with i from 1 to count of theData
			set thisList to item i of theData
			repeat with l from 1 to count of thisList
				set thisItem to item l of thisList
				set fileString to fileString & thisItem & ", "
			end repeat
			set fileString to text 1 thru -3 of fileString & return
		end repeat
		set theFile to open for access (chaptersFile) with write permission
		write theData to theFile
		close access theFile
	end if

Did I incorporate that correctly?
I added two rows to my table and edited their names to look like this.

Row 1-Column 1 Row 1-Column 2
Row 2-Column 1 Row 2-Column 2

The text file should look like this:
Row 1-Column 1, Row 1-Column 2
Row 2-Column 1,Row 2-Column 2[/b}
and it wrote stuff like listlistutxt but it did include the correct data, just had other mysterious data with it with no returns.

Thanks again for your help and I look forward to hearing back from you :slight_smile:

EDIT: clarification

GOT IT! 3 days of searching and scratching my eyes out and finally got it!
More or less, I’m writing fileString to the text file instead of theData. I should’ve seen that…

Craig, you are tha man!

Here the completed code:

if the name of theObject is "save" then
		set chaptersFile to (("/Library/Application Support/myApp/" & songSize) & ".ttt")
		set chaptersFile to POSIX file chaptersFile
		set theData to (contents of every data cell of every data row of theDataSource)
		set fileString to ""
		repeat with i from 1 to count of theData
			set thisList to item i of theData
			repeat with l from 1 to count of thisList
				set thisItem to item l of thisList
				set fileString to fileString & thisItem & ", "
			end repeat
			set fileString to text 1 thru -3 of fileString & return
		end repeat
		set theFile to open for access (chaptersFile) with write permission
		write fileString to theFile
		close access theFile
	end if


this might be a faster solution

if the name of theObject is "save" then
	set chaptersFile to ((path to application support folder as text) & "myApp:" & songSize & ".ttt")
	set {TID, text item delimiters} to {text item delimiters, ", "}
	set theData to (contents of every data cell of every data row of theDataSource) as text
	set text item delimiters to TID
	set theFile to open for access chaptersFile with write permission
	write theData & return to theFile
	close access theFile
end if