hi everyone
i have a little script that checks from a text field if the contents of the text field can be found in a online file. currently, i can enter both “Test” and “test” and both will work because the script seems to ignore the capital “t” at the front. how could i tell the script to not ignore that capital “t.”
ie: if the online file contains “TeSt” and someone enters “test” then, right now, it re-writes the files. Though, that’s not supposed to happen. If they enter “test” they get the error and only if they enter exactly the same thing (TeSt), then it writes the files.
here is my script:
set the_code to contents of text field "tf_code" of window "code"
set the_url to "http://guimkie.com/applescript/list.xml
set url_contents to do shell script "curl " & quoted form of the_url
if url_contents contains the_code then
set the_sound to load sound "Funk"
play the_sound
show window "error" -- This code is already uploaded
stop progress indicator "spinner" of window "code"
end if
on error
set the_sound to load sound "Funk"
play the_sound
show window "error" -- Be connected to the internet!
stop progress indicator "spinner" of window "code"
end try