i’m trying to extract schedules from eyetv, storing them in a script object:
script etvProgram
property parent : tvpiProgram
property UID : missing value
on getEtvList()
set etvList to {} -- global
tell application "EyeTV"
with timeout of 3 seconds
set etvList to every program whose start time > now or enabled is false
repeat with etvp in etvList
set eid to etvp's unique ID as integer
tell me
display dialog "getEtvList1:" & eid
copy etvProgram to etvSched
copy eid to etvSched's UID
display dialog "getEtvList1b:" & etvSched's UID
set end of etvList to etvSched
end tell
end repeat
end timeout
end tell
repeat with etvSched in etvList
set eid to etvSched's UID
display dialog "getEtvList2:" & eid
end repeat
end getEtvList
and this is what i get:
tell application "EyeTV"
get every program whose start time > date "Thursday, June 24, 2010 3:29:41 PM" or enabled = false
{program id 2.91930666E+8, program id 2.90092509E+8, program id 2.90090782E+8, program id 2.93717284E+8, program id 2.9185951E+8}
get unique ID of program id 2.91930666E+8
end tell
tell current application
display dialog "getEtvList1:291930666"
{button returned:"OK"}
display dialog "getEtvList1b:291930666"
{button returned:"OK"}
end tell
others returned ok
tell application "EyeTV"
get UID of program id 2.91930666E+8
"EyeTV got an error: Can't get UID of program id 2.91930666E+8."
xkweez me? where did eyetv get told anything about my local uid? obviously i am totally ignorant of a/s’s scoping majick:-( any clues would be appreciated, specifically on how to save etvp’s unique ID as integer, indepentently of eyetv.