Text Edit in plain text

tell application "TextEdit"
	make new document
end tell

This works fine for then keystroking text into the open document. But how do I make it open to so that the result is in plain text?

Thank you.

This question has been answered numerous times.

TextEdit will not be able to create a plain text document when is specified “rich text” in its default mode settings. Either 1) specify “plain text” in the settings (manually), or 2) it is better - use Finder’s help for your task:

tell application "Finder"
	set plainTextFile to make new file at desktop with properties {name:"Test.txt"}
end tell

tell application "TextEdit"
	open file (plainTextFile as text)
	set plainTextDocument to front document
end tell

Thank you KniazidisR,
The second suggestion works nicely.