I have a shell script that creates a list of found InDesign files using TextEdit. But when I open it with Tex-Edit Plus to do some find/replace steps, there are problems. For some reason, the find/replace (actually looking for/replacing with) doesn’t find any numeric characters. For example, say I am searching for 3X12 (and it does exist in the file), I can’t find it. I can find the “X” though but not a 3 or 12. Now if I manually find (not with the find tool but scrolling until I see it) that 3X12 and copy it and then paste it into the Applescript to find, then it works. Anything typed in or copied from another text file doesn’t work.
Now if I take that TextEdit file and open it with Appleworks, select the text, and then save as plain text, my script works.
I just find it weird. Has anybody else ever had problems where find/replace doesn’t work when converting text files? Here’s a snippet of the code to give you an idea of what I am doing. Does anybody have any suggestions on doing this differently?
set files_ to paragraphs of (do shell script "find /Volumes/" & ArchiveName & " -type f -iname '*" & MacArtist & "*.indd' ! -iname '.*'")
if files_ is {} then
display dialog MacArtist & " not found"
set {TID, text item delimiters} to {text item delimiters, "/"}
repeat with file_ in files_
write_to_file((last text item of file_ & return), AdListFile, true) -- writes/creates the TextEdit file
end repeat
set text item delimiters to TID
end if
tell application "Tex-Edit Plus"
open file AdListFile
replace window 1 looking for "." replacing with tab -- this works fine
replace window 1 looking for "1x1 C" replacing with "1_19" -- this doesn't work
Thanks for the help,