text name changing

Hi all,

This applescript:

set JobNumber to 88888
set countFileIn to 2
set FilesIn to {alias "AraxiVolume_CTP1_J:Jobs:88888_Outwork:Proofs:2012-10-29  14-39  arw:PDFx-1a:88888_Prem.PDF", alias "AraxiVolume_CTP1_J:Jobs:88888_Outwork:Proofs:2012-10-29  14-39  arw:PDFx-1a:88888_WEL.PDF"}
set lprLocalName to "Test"
set FilemakerTimeStamp to "18/06/2013 12:57"
set lprZPwd to "TestZipPassword"

set templist to ""
set VersionList to ""
tell application "Finder"
	repeat with i from 1 to countFileIn
		set {tids, AppleScript's text item delimiters} to {AppleScript's text item delimiters, ":"}
		set aFile to last item of text items of (((item i of FilesIn) as alias) as text)
		set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {JobNumber & "_", JobNumber & "_Z_1up_", JobNumber & "_z_1up_"}
		set aFile to last item of text items of (aFile as text)
		set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {".PDF", ".pdf"}
		set aFile to first item of text items of (aFile as text)
		set AppleScript's text item delimiters to tids
		if i = 1 then
			set VersionList to aFile
			set VersionList to VersionList & "," & aFile
		end if
	end repeat
end tell

display dialog VersionList

repeat with ifm from 1 to countFileIn
	set VersionName to (item ifm of VersionList)
	display dialog VersionName
end repeat

Works up till the repeat at the end.

Basically in this instance I have 2 files I get the version name from the alias in the list (remove the job number (88888_) and the file extension (.PDF) which works OK.

Once it goes into the repeat I only get the first letter.

Can anybody help please? As it should still be the version name.



VersionList is declared as an empty string, later strings are appended.
item x of a string results character x

You could declare VersionList as a list (as the variable name implies :wink: )

set VersionList to {}

and add the items to the list


    if i = 1 then
           set VersionList to aFile
           set VersionList to VersionList & "," & aFile
       end if

just write

set end of VersionList to aFile   

Thanks for that.

it works a treat now.

I figured it would be something simple but I couldn’t find it.
