If you don’t own a copy of RagTime, then you might try Colendar instead (requires Mac OS X 10.5).
Some time ago I created a PDF calendar as an online giveaway for the customers of our company. To my very own surprise, this simple document was well embraced and soon the first change requests appeared in my inbox:
The original color scheme of the calendar matched the colors of the company logo: red, blue, green, with the colors changing from year to year. But some of our customers and agents wanted to have the calendar with a different color. Other people wanted the calendar in a different language or with Friday to be Sunday. US residents asked for calendar weeks matching their requirements and so on…
And every time I had to modify my original RagTime template, print a PDF and send it out. Let alone the work that came with the turn of the years…
When my colleagues lately asked me to create some more customized calendars for them, I finally decided to completely automate the calendar creation with AppleScript.
And because there are - unfortunately - so few RagTime documents to be found on the Internet, I am herewith sharing my work with you:
The Colorful Calendar (ca. 300.6 KB)
(current version 0.6, tested under Mac OS X 10.4, 10.5 and RagTime 5/6)
Colorful calendars created with the RagTime template
For a screenshot of the RagTime document in action, please click on the picture below:
Features of the colorful calendar
¢ DIN A4 Landscape
¢ Years 1804 - 2400
¢ ISO or US calendar weeks
¢ Colors of your very own choice! Yipeeee!
¢ Full localization: Choose a default language* or easily create your own!
- English, German, French, Spanish & Italian
¢ Leap year-awareness
¢ Vintage Mac OS 7 progress bar indicating progress of the calendar creation! Now that’s cool!
¢ Mac OS X
¢ RagTime 5 or 6
¢ Font: Andale Mono (most probably already installed)
Q: How can I localize the calendar?
A: Open the Inventory of the RagTime document. There you will find a spreadsheet named ‘Dictionary’. Edit this spreadsheet to add any language.
Q: Sometimes values entered in the calendar configuration panel are not used for the calendar creation. Why?
A: After entering values in the calendar configuration panel, you must ‘leave’ the respective cells in order to update the settings. This is easily done by clicking anywhere in the calendar configuration panel before clicking on the ‘Create calendar’ button.
Q: Argh! Where is this damn calendar configuration panel?
A: Open the Inventory of the RagTime document. There you will find a drawing named ‘Cal Config Panel’. Open it.
Q: Can the calendar creation progress run in the background?
A: Yes, but don’t start working with other RagTime documents. The AppleScript works by addressing document 1, which is the foreground document. So while the calendar is created, the document should be in the foreground.
Have fun creating a rainbow of calendars!
P.S.: If you also want to start scripting RagTime and thereby automate your business publishing workflows, I highly recommend reading the following document:
Jürgen Schell: RagTime and AppleScript ¢ A Brief Introduction (RagTime Document)
After downloading, just add the missing ‘.rtd’-suffix to the file name, so you can easily open and read it in RagTime.
Important: Opening and saving the below script code in Script Editor won’t result in a usable AppleScript! That is because the script is targeted at a RagTime template, which you need to install on your Mac. Therefor please download the complete package here.
-- created: September 2007
-- modified: 10.09.2007
-- version: 0.6
-- history:
-- ¢ v0.6:
-- + fixed some date bugs, that could cause problems on non-european systems
-- (thanks to the discussion with RagTime & AppleScript expert Jürgen Schell)
-- + improved leap year check with code contributed by Jürgen Schell
-- + new routine for determining the number of days in a month
-- + the whole date calculation & manipulation is now less AppleScript-dependent
-- ¢ v0.5:
-- + first public release
-- possible features for the future:
-- not yet
on run
my main()
end run
-- main handler controlling the creation of the calendar
on main()
-- getting chosen user preferences from the 'Cal Config Panel'
tell application "RagTime 6"
tell document 1
tell table "CCP Year"
set calyear to value of cell "A1" as integer
end tell
tell table "CCP Color"
set calcol to color of cell 1
set caltint to tint of cell 1
end tell
tell table "CCP Sunday"
set sunnumber to value of cell "A1" as integer
end tell
tell table "CCP Sunday Tint"
set suntint to value of cell "A1"
end tell
end tell
end tell
-- retrieving more necessary calendar data
set weekdaynames to my getweekdaynames()
set monthnames to my getmonthnames()
set calweekmode to my getcalweekmode()
set yeardays to my getyeardaynumber(31, 12, calyear)
-- beginning calendar creation
-- 1. step: modifying the big calendar year on the upper right of the layout
my crtbigcalnums(calyear, calcol, caltint)
-- 2. step: modifying the header for the notes on the right side of the layout
my crtnotestext(my getnotestext())
-- initializing the progress bar in the 'Cal Config Panel'
my prgbar's setmaxval(yeardays)
my prgbar's initialize()
-- 3. step: modifying the month columns
repeat with i from 1 to 12
set msg to "Currently processing '" & (item i of monthnames) & "'"
my updatetextbox(msg)
my crtmonthtable(i, calyear, calcol, caltint, sunnumber, suntint, calweekmode, weekdaynames, (item i of monthnames))
end repeat
-- last step: clean up progress bar...
my prgbar's initialize()
my updatetextbox("")
end main
-- sets the header of the notes to the given text
on crtnotestext(notestext)
tell application "RagTime 6"
tell document 1
tell table "Events & Notes 1"
set value of cell "A1" to notestext
end tell
tell table "Events & Notes 2"
set value of cell "A1" to notestext
end tell
end tell
end tell
end crtnotestext
-- sets the big calendar years to the given values
on crtbigcalnums(intyear, calcol, caltint)
tell application "RagTime 6"
tell document 1
tell layout 1
set text of graphic text 3 of page 1 to intyear
set color of graphic text 3 of page 1 to calcol
set tint of graphic text 3 of page 1 to caltint
set text of graphic text 3 of page 2 to intyear
set color of graphic text 3 of page 2 to calcol
set tint of graphic text 3 of page 2 to caltint
end tell
end tell
end tell
end crtbigcalnums
-- modifies a month column according to the given values
on crtmonthtable(intmonth, intyear, calcol, caltint, sunnumber, suntint, calweekmode, weekdaynames, monthname)
set monthtables to {"01 January", "02 February", "03 March", "04 April", "05 May", "06 June", "07 July", "08 August", "09 September", "10 October", "11 November", "12 December"}
set monthtable to item intmonth of monthtables
set monthdays to my getmonthdays(intmonth, intyear)
set weekdaynumber to my getweekdaynumber(1, intmonth, intyear)
set yeardaynumber to my getyeardaynumber(1, intmonth, intyear)
tell application "RagTime 6"
tell document 1
tell table monthtable
-- header of the month table
set color of row 1 to calcol
set tint of row 1 to caltint
set value of cell "B1" to monthname
-- calendar part of the month table
repeat with rownumber from 2 to 32
-- 'whitening' the current row
set color of row rownumber to {green:255, blue:255, red:255}
set tint of row rownumber to 1.0
-- normalizing the bottom border: maybe it was a Sunday before?
set properties of bottom border of row rownumber to {pen width:0.25}
-- deleting former values in the cells
set cellrange to "A" & rownumber & ":E" & rownumber
delete range cellrange
if not (rownumber - 1) > monthdays then
-- inserting day number
set value of cell ("A" & rownumber) to (rownumber - 1)
-- inserting weekday name
set value of cell ("B" & rownumber) to item weekdaynumber of weekdaynames
-- inserting calendar week
if weekdaynumber is 4 then
set strdate to ((rownumber - 1) & "." & intmonth & "." & intyear) as string
set calweek to my getcalweek(strdate, calweekmode)
set value of cell ("C" & rownumber) to calweek
end if
-- formatting Sundays
if weekdaynumber is sunnumber then
set properties of bottom border of row rownumber to {pen width:0.5}
set color of row rownumber to calcol
set tint of row rownumber to suntint
end if
-- setting year day number
set value of cell ("E" & rownumber) to yeardaynumber
-- updating relevant counters
set yeardaynumber to yeardaynumber + 1
set weekdaynumber to weekdaynumber + 1
if weekdaynumber = 8 then
set weekdaynumber to 1
end if
-- updating progress bar
my prgbar's increment(1)
end if
end repeat
end tell
end tell
end tell
end crtmonthtable
-- indicates if a given year is a leap year
-- the year must be passed as an integer
-- this improved code was contributed by Jürgen Schell,
-- AppleScript & RagTime Guru par excellence
on isleapyear(intyear)
if intyear mod 400 = 0 then
return true
end if
if intyear mod 100 = 0 then
return false
end if
if intyear mod 4 = 0 then
return true
end if
return false
end isleapyear
-- returns the number of days in a given month of a given year
-- month and year must both be passed as integers
-- is leap year-aware
on getmonthdays(intmonth, intyear)
if intmonth is 2 and my isleapyear(intyear) then
return 29
if intmonth is in {1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12} then
return 31
else if intmonth is in {4, 6, 9, 11} then
return 30
else if intmonth is in {2} then
return 28
end if
end if
end getmonthdays
-- returns the calendar week for a given 'string date'
-- the string date must have the format 'dd.mm.yyyy'
on getcalweek(stringdate, calweekmode)
tell application "RagTime 6"
tell document 1
tell table "AS Helper"
if calweekmode is "ISO" then
set cell "B2" to stringdate
finish calculation
return value of cell "C2" as integer
else if calweekmode is "US" then
set cell "B3" to stringdate
finish calculation
return value of cell "C3" as integer
end if
end tell
end tell
end tell
end getcalweek
-- returns the year day number for a given date
-- date must be passed as single integers (day, month, year)
on getyeardaynumber(intday, intmonth, intyear)
set yeardaynumber to 0
if intmonth = 1 then
set yeardaynumber to intday
repeat with i from 1 to (intmonth - 1)
set monthdays to my getmonthdays(i, intyear)
set yeardaynumber to yeardaynumber + monthdays
end repeat
set yeardaynumber to yeardaynumber + intday
end if
return yeardaynumber
end getyeardaynumber
-- returns the weekday number for a given date
-- US format: 1 = Sunday, 7 = Monday
on getweekdaynumber(intday, intmonth, intyear)
set stringdate to (intday & "." & intmonth & "." & intyear) as Unicode text
tell application "RagTime 6"
tell document 1
tell table "AS Helper"
set cell "B10" to stringdate
finish calculation
set weekdaynumber to value of cell "B11"
end tell
end tell
end tell
return (weekdaynumber as integer)
end getweekdaynumber
-- returns a list of 7 weekday names based on the language chosen
-- in the calendar config panel
on getweekdaynames()
tell application "RagTime 6"
tell document 1
tell table "AS Helper"
set columnnumber to value of cell "B6" as integer
end tell
tell table "Dictionary"
set columncont to column columnnumber
set weekdaynames to items 15 through 21 of columncont
end tell
end tell
end tell
return weekdaynames
end getweekdaynames
-- returns a list of 12 month names based on the language chosen
-- in the calendar config panel
on getmonthnames()
tell application "RagTime 6"
tell document 1
tell table "AS Helper"
set columnnumber to (value of cell "B6") as integer
end tell
tell table "Dictionary"
set columncont to column columnnumber
set monthnames to items 3 through 14 of columncont
end tell
end tell
end tell
return monthnames
end getmonthnames
-- returns the header for the notes according to the chosen language
on getnotestext()
tell application "RagTime 6"
tell document 1
tell table "AS Helper"
set columnnumber to (value of cell "B6") as integer
end tell
tell table "Dictionary"
set columncont to column columnnumber
set notestext to last item of columncont
end tell
end tell
end tell
return notestext
end getnotestext
-- returns the calendar week mode chosen in the calenar config panel,
-- 'ISO' or 'US'
on getcalweekmode()
tell application "RagTime 6"
tell document 1
tell table "AS Helper"
set calweekmode to value of cell "B7"
end tell
end tell
end tell
return calweekmode
end getcalweekmode
-- sets the text box below the progress bar to the given text
on updatetextbox(msg)
tell application "RagTime 6"
tell document 1
tell table "CCP Text box"
set value of cell "A1" to msg
end tell
end tell
end tell
end updatetextbox
-- progress bar script
-- definitely needs polishing, but works and is fun :)
script prgbar
property tablename : "CCP Progress bar"
property curval : 0
property minval : 1.0
property maxval : 100.0
using terms from application "RagTime 6"
property bgrcol : {red:80.0, green:80.0, blue:100.0}
property fillcol : {red:27.0, green:27.0, blue:27.0}
end using terms from
property bgrtint : 1.0
property filltint : 1.0
property tablelength : 10
on setminval(usrval)
set minval to usrval
end setminval
on setmaxval(usrval)
set maxval to usrval
end setmaxval
on setbgrcol(usrcol)
set bgrcol to usrcol
end setbgrcol
on setbgrtint(usrtint)
set bgrtint to usrtint
end setbgrtint
on setfillcol(usrcol)
set fillcol to usrcol
end setfillcol
on setfilltint(usrtint)
set filltint to usrtint
end setfilltint
-- initializes the progress bar
on initialize()
set curval to 0
my adjcolumnwidth()
tell application "RagTime 6"
tell document 1
tell table tablename
set color of every column to bgrcol
set tint of every column to bgrtint
end tell
end tell
end tell
end initialize
-- adjusts the column width to match the
-- maximum value of the progress bar
-- = for a maxval of 300, we need 300 columns
-- in the visible length of the table
on adjcolumnwidth()
-- 1 pt (point) = 0.035 cm (centimeters)
set printerpoint to 0.035
-- calculating cm-value
-- 10 = length of progress indicator table in cm
set columnwidth to tablelength / maxval
-- converting cm-value to point-value
set columnwidth to columnwidth / printerpoint
tell application "RagTime 6"
tell document 1
tell table tablename
set width of every column to columnwidth
end tell
end tell
end tell
end adjcolumnwidth
-- increments the progress bar by the given value
on increment(incrval)
set curval to curval + incrval
tell application "RagTime 6"
tell document 1
tell table tablename
set color of columns (minval as integer) through (curval as integer) to fillcol
set tint of columns (minval as integer) through (curval as integer) to filltint
end tell
end tell
end tell
end increment
end script