I have a Calendar called “My Company” where I need to create an evert the business day before the last business day.
Example: February 2021 ends on a sunday. The last business day of february is 26, friday. I need to set an event febuary 25.
Another example: May 2021 ends on a monday. The business day before that is friday 28. But suppose that was a holiday. Then the business day before the last business day of may would be thursday 27.
The calendar I am trying to check against is this one
that I call inside Calendar “Feriados Portugal”.
This is my script so far.
set numberOfDaysPerMonth to {}
set templateDates to {}
set i to 1
repeat while i < 13
copy (current date) to newDate
set currentYear to year of newDate
set the month of newDate to (i as integer)
set the day of newDate to (1 as integer)
set numberOfDaysOnMonth to GetNumberOfDaysInMonth(newDate)
copy numberOfDaysOnMonth to end of numberOfDaysPerMonth
-- copy {i:newDate} to end of templateDates
set i to i + 1
end repeat
my GetNumberOfDaysInMonth(newDate)
# Returns the number of days in the month that the given date falls in.
# Example:
# my GetNumberOfDaysInMonth(current date)
on GetNumberOfDaysInMonth(aDate)
local aDateCopy
copy aDate to aDateCopy
set day of aDateCopy to 1
if month of aDateCopy is December then
set year of aDateCopy to ((year of aDateCopy) + 1)
set month of aDateCopy to 1
set month of aDateCopy to ((month of aDateCopy) + 1)
end if
return day of (aDateCopy - 1 * days)
end GetNumberOfDaysInMonth
this script discovers the last day of each month and stores it at numberOfDaysPerMonth
Now I am trying to get all events from calendar “Feriados Portugal” using this code:
tell application "Calendar"
tell calendar "Feriados Portugal"
set eventos to every event
display dialog start date of first event of eventos
end tell
end tell
this is what I get just for the first event!:https://ibb.co/SxwjF0s
What I need is simply a list of dates.