The script to count specific calendar events ––ready to use

Date created: 09/01/2019
Date last modified: 03/26/2020


The script was created in macOS ver. 10.13.6 "High Sierra";
The script has been confirmed to work properly and produce the intended result with the versions of OS X and macOS 10.9.0 and higher right up to the ver. 10.13.6 "High Sierra" included;
The script HAS NOT BEEN TESTED to work properly and produce the intended result with the versions of macOS 10.14.0 and newer;
The script assumes the versions of the application "Numbers" 3.0 and higher are installed on a Mac running OS X or macOS operating system of the version 10.9.0 and higher. It will not work with all the versions of the application "Numbers" prior to the version 3.0 (the application "Numbers" constituting "iWork '09" applications package).

(* Warning: Font names must take the form of 
PostScript font names only (refer to FontBook utility) else the script fails*)


To use the script place it in the folder "~/Library/Scripts" of the library of your home folder. Then, run the utility "Script Editor" located in the folder "Utilities" of the folder "Applications". Open its preferences, go to the pane "General" and select the two checkboxes: "Show the scripts menu in the menu bar" and "Show this computer scripts". The scripts menu icon ("a manuscript scroll") appears in the menu bar. Run this script by clicking the icon and choosing "Sort events by month.scpt" from the dropdown.



The script acquires selected calendar events, counts them based on the recurrence and puts the result in a workbook created with the application "Numbers" in the form of a table. It allows you to decide whether data will be written in the existing workbook or a new workbook will be created, you can also choose another year or calendar in the course of running the script. After looping for 4 unsuccessful attempts the script offers the ability to perform the search anew. 
If a new workbook is created then a new sheet containing the table is created as well, otherwise, a new sheet is created only if deemed necessary by the script.

All the created "Numbers" documents are saved to the "Documents" folder.


The script's handling of recurring events is unsatisfactory it returning only an incomplete events cycle originating with the parent event. This is because of the Calendar's AppleScript implementation and to be addressed in the future versions. 

property theYear : (the year of (current date)) as text
property theMonth : missing value
set TestDate to (current date)
property Months4Table : {}
property EventMonthsInfo : {}
property DocName : ""
property DocNum : ""
property DocExtension : ""
property CalendarName : ""
property EventName : "Meeting"
property ChosenDocName : ""
property TheFullPath : ""
property FileCount : integer
property SelectedEventsbyName : {}
property CalendarIcon : (path to resource "App.icns" in bundle (((path to applications folder) as text) & "") as alias)
property AttemptsCount : 0

set theYear to ChooseTheDate(theYear)

set (year of TestDate) to theYear

class of TestDate is date --the date entered correctly

tell application "Calendar"
	set AllCalendars to get name of every calendar
	delay 0.5
		set CalendarName to (choose from list AllCalendars with title "Calendars of all accounts." with prompt "Select a calendar." default items {(item 1 of AllCalendars)} cancel button name "Cancel" without multiple selections allowed) as text
		if result is not "false" then
			set TheTargetCalendar to (get calendar named CalendarName)
			error number -128
		end if
		set EventName to (text returned of (display dialog "Enter a name of the event." default answer EventName buttons {"Cancel", "OK"} default button 2 cancel button 1 with icon CalendarIcon)) --the events in question
		set SelectedEventsbyName to get every event of TheTargetCalendar whose summary contains EventName
		if SelectedEventsbyName is {} then --failed to find in the calendar. Prompt to pick any other legit calendar
			set AttemptsCount to AttemptsCount + 1 #Failed attempt 1
			set DialogMessage to display dialog "No events with the name " & quote & EventName & quote & " found in the calendar " & quote & CalendarName & quote & " for " & theYear & return & "Would you like to try with another calendar? The year is unchanged." buttons {"Cancel", "Another calendar"} with title "Choose another calendar" default button 2 cancel button 1 with icon CalendarIcon
			if button returned of DialogMessage is "Another calendar" then set SelectedEventsbyName to my SelectAndFindAgain(CalendarName, AllCalendars) #Failed attempt 2 inside the handler
			if SelectedEventsbyName is theYear then
				set SelectedEventsbyName to ChooseEvent(AllCalendars, EventName) of me
			end if
		end if
		set SelectedEventsbyYear to IdentifyEvents(SelectedEventsbyName, theYear) of me
		if SelectedEventsbyYear is {} then --found in the calendar but not in the year
			set AttemptsCount to AttemptsCount + 1 #Failed attempt 3
			set PromptA to display dialog "No events with the name " & quote & EventName & quote & " found in " & theYear & " for the calendar " & quote & CalendarName & quote & "." & return & "Would you like to choose another year?" & return & "The calendar remains the one you have selected." buttons {"Cancel", "Another year"} with title "Choose another year" default button 2 cancel button 1 with icon CalendarIcon
			if button returned of PromptA is "Another year" then
				set theYear to my ChooseTheDate(theYear)
				set SelectedEventsbyYear to IdentifyEvents(SelectedEventsbyName, theYear) of me
			end if
		end if
		# Need to loop anew from the beginning, starting all over again.
		if SelectedEventsbyYear is {} then
			set AttemptsCount to AttemptsCount + 1 #Failed attempt 4
			display dialog ((AttemptsCount as string) & " failed attempts. No events with the name " & quote & EventName & quote & " found in the calendar " & quote & CalendarName & quote & " for " & theYear & return & "Would you like to perform another search?") buttons {"Cancel", "Another search"} with title "Search again" default button 2 cancel button 1 with icon CalendarIcon
			exit repeat
		end if
		set AttemptsCount to 1
	end repeat
	set EventMonths to {}
	repeat with anEvent in SelectedEventsbyYear
		set theStartDate to (start date of contents of anEvent)
		set Month2Get to month of theStartDate
		set end of EventMonths to (Month2Get as text)
	end repeat
	set EventMonthsInfo to {} --list of records
	set MonthRecord to missing value --this is a initial value because the very 1st processed object will be unique. 
	repeat with aMonth in EventMonths
		set CurrentMonth to contents of aMonth
		set MonthRecord to missing value --else it will persistently retain the last value
		repeat with aRec in EventMonthsInfo
			if CurrentMonth = theMonth of contents of aRec then
				set MonthRecord to contents of aRec
				exit repeat
			end if
		end repeat
		if MonthRecord is missing value then
			set MonthRecord to {theMonth:CurrentMonth, MonthCount:1}
			set end of EventMonthsInfo to MonthRecord
			set MonthCount of MonthRecord to (MonthCount of MonthRecord) + 1
		end if
	end repeat
end tell

display dialog (((count SelectedEventsbyYear) as text) & " events in " & theYear & " were found. ") buttons {"OK"} default button 1 giving up after 4 with icon CalendarIcon

set Months4Table to {"January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"}
tell application "Finder"
	set NumbersIcon to (path to resource "AppIcon.icns" in bundle (((path to applications folder) as text) & "") as alias)
	set DocName to "Events-Record"
	set DocNum to ""
	set DocExtension to ".numbers"
	set TheFullPath to ((path to documents folder from user domain) as text) & (DocName & DocNum & DocExtension)
	set TargetFiles to (every document file of folder "Documents" of home whose name begins with DocName)
	set FileCount to (count TargetFiles)
	if FileCount = 0 then
		tell application "Finder" to make new document file with properties {name:DocName & DocExtension} at folder "Documents" of home
		tell application "Numbers"
			delay 0.5
			tell (make new document with properties {name:DocName & DocExtension})
				tell (make new sheet with properties {name:"Selected Events" & "–1"})
					tell (make new table with properties {name:(EventName & space & "❨" & theYear & "❩"), column count:2, row count:12, header row count:0})
						set format of every cell to text
						set {every column's width, every row's height} to {110, 36, 8.949198753E+9}
						repeat with i from 1 to (count Months4Table)
							tell row i
								set value of cell 1 to item i of Months4Table
								set {alignment of cell 1, vertical alignment of cell 1} to {center, center}
								set background color of cell 1 to {65535, 42148, 23130}
								set font name of cell 1 to "Futura-Bold"
								set font size of cell 1 to 16
								set text color of cell 1 to {65535, 65535, 65535}
								set CellValue to formatted value of cell 1
								repeat with aRec in EventMonthsInfo
									if CellValue is theMonth of contents of aRec then set value of cell 2 to MonthCount of contents of aRec
								end repeat
								if value of cell 2 is in {"", missing value} then set value of cell 2 to "–"
								set {alignment of cell 2, vertical alignment of cell 2} to {center, center}
								set background color of cell 2 to {32639, 49344, 64250}
								set font name of cell 2 to "Futura-MediumItalic"
								set font size of cell 2 to 16
								set text color of cell 2 to {65535, 65535, 65535}
							end tell
						end repeat
					end tell
					delete (every table whose name does not start with EventName)
				end tell
				delete (every sheet whose name does not start with "Selected Events") --deletes the default sheet usually named as "Sheet 1".
				close saving in file TheFullPath
			end tell
		end tell
		set TargetFilesNames to name of every document file of folder "Documents" of home whose name begins with DocName
set FileCount to (my OrderbyIndex(TargetFilesNames)) + 1
		set Ref2Alises to TargetFiles as alias list
		set DocNum to FileCount as text --for creating new documents only!
		display dialog "Similar documents were found." & return & "Would you like to create a new document or add a table to a sheet in the existing document?" with title "Choose between document or sheet" with icon NumbersIcon buttons {"Cancel", "New document", "Add to the existing"} default button 3 cancel button 1
		if button returned of result is "Add to the existing" then
			set ChosenDocName to (choose from list TargetFilesNames with title "Select a file" with prompt "Select a workbook from the following workbooks" cancel button name "Cancel") as text
			if result is not "false" then
				repeat with anAlias in Ref2Alises
					if ((contents of anAlias) as text) ends with ChosenDocName then
						set TheFullPath to (contents of anAlias) as text
						tell application "Numbers"
							open file TheFullPath
							tell document named ChosenDocName
								set N to (count (every sheet))
								repeat with i from 1 to N
									if N = 1 then
										set j to i
										set j to N
									end if
									tell sheet j
										set M to count (every table) --the tables that already present on opening the document
										set IdenticalTableNames to (every table whose name begins with EventName and name ends with ("❨" & theYear & "❩"))
										if IdenticalTableNames is not {} then set EventName to EventName & "-" & ((count IdenticalTableNames) + 1)
										if M < 4 then
											tell (make new table with properties {name:EventName & space & "❨" & theYear & "❩", column count:2, row count:12, header row count:0})
												set format of every cell to text
												set {every column's width, every row's height} to {110, 36, 8.949198753E+9}
												repeat with i from 1 to (count Months4Table)
													tell row i
														set value of cell 1 to item i of Months4Table
														set {alignment of cell 1, vertical alignment of cell 1} to {center, center}
														set background color of cell 1 to {65535, 42148, 23130}
														set font name of cell 1 to "Futura-Bold"
														set font size of cell 1 to 16
														set text color of cell 1 to {65535, 65535, 65535}
														set CellValue to formatted value of cell 1
														repeat with aRec in EventMonthsInfo
															if CellValue is theMonth of contents of aRec then set value of cell 2 to MonthCount of contents of aRec
														end repeat
														if value of cell 2 is in {"", missing value} then set value of cell 2 to "–"
														set {alignment of cell 2, vertical alignment of cell 2} to {center, center}
														set background color of cell 2 to {32639, 49344, 64250}
														set font name of cell 2 to "Futura-MediumItalic"
														set font size of cell 2 to 16
														set text color of cell 2 to {65535, 65535, 65535}
													end tell
												end repeat
											end tell
											exit repeat
										else if M = 4 then -- if 4 tables in the sheet then a new sheet is created. The new table goes to the population of this sheet as the first resident.
											tell me to MakeNewSheet()
											exit repeat
										end if
									end tell
								end repeat
								close saving yes
							end tell
						end tell
						exit repeat --no need to loop for the rest of the list
					end if
				end repeat
				error number -128
			end if
			if button returned of result is not "Cancel" then
				my MakeNewWorkbook()
			end if
		end if
	end if
end tell

set theYear to "2019" -- at the end of the script
set AttemptsCount to 0

on SelectAndFindAgain(CalendarName, AllCalendars) --just events of the calendar in question regardless of a year.
	set CalendarName to ""
	tell application "Calendar"
		set CalendarName to (choose from list AllCalendars with title "Calendars of all accounts." with prompt "Select a calendar to look the event " & quote & EventName & quote & " up." default items {(item 1 of AllCalendars)} cancel button name "Cancel" without multiple selections allowed) as text
		if result is not "false" then
			set TheTargetCalendar to (get calendar named CalendarName)
			set SelectedEventsbyName to get every event of TheTargetCalendar whose summary contains EventName
			if result is {} then
				set AttemptsCount to AttemptsCount + 1
				set PromptA to display dialog ("No events with the name " & quote & EventName & quote & " found in the calendar " & quote & CalendarName & quote & " for " & theYear & return & "Would you like to try with another calendar or year?") buttons {"Cancel", "Another year", "Another calendar"} with title "Another calendar or year" default button 3 cancel button 1 with icon CalendarIcon
				if button returned of PromptA is not "Cancel" then
					if button returned of PromptA is "Another calendar" then
						set SelectedEventsbyName to ChooseEvent(AllCalendars, EventName) of me
						set theYear to ChooseTheDate(theYear) of me
						return theYear
					end if
				end if
			end if
			return SelectedEventsbyName
			error number -128
		end if
	end tell
end SelectAndFindAgain

on ChooseTheDate(theYear)
		set Prompt to display dialog "Enter the year as a YYYY digits format" buttons {"Cancel", "OK"} default button 2 cancel button 1 default answer theYear
		if button returned of Prompt is not "Cancel" then set theYear to text returned of Prompt
		if (count (characters of theYear)) = 4 then
				repeat with anItem in (characters of theYear)
					anItem as number
				end repeat
				exit repeat
			on error
				display alert "Invalid value. Try again." message "Only numbers are acceptable." buttons {"Cancel", "OK"} default button 2
				if button returned of result is "Cancel" then return
			end try
			display alert "Invalid value." message "A year must contain 4 digits."
		end if
	end repeat
	return theYear
end ChooseTheDate

on ChooseEvent(AllCalendars, EventName)
	set SelectedEventsbyName to {}
	tell application "Calendar"
		set CalendarName to (choose from list AllCalendars with title "Calendars of all accounts." with prompt "Select a calendar to look the event " & quote & EventName & quote & " up for " & theYear & "." default items {(item 1 of AllCalendars)} cancel button name "Cancel" without multiple selections allowed) as text --perhaps, could be re-written into a separate handler
		if result is not "false" then
			set TheTargetCalendar to (get calendar named CalendarName)
			set SelectedEventsbyName to get every event of TheTargetCalendar whose summary contains EventName
			error number -128
		end if
	end tell
	return SelectedEventsbyName
end ChooseEvent

on IdentifyEvents(SelectedEventsbyName, theYear)
	set SelectedEventsbyYear to {}
	tell application "Calendar"
		repeat with anEvent in SelectedEventsbyName
			set theStartDate to (start date of contents of anEvent)
			set Year2Get to year of theStartDate
			if Year2Get is (theYear as number) then set end of SelectedEventsbyYear to contents of anEvent
		end repeat
	end tell
	return SelectedEventsbyYear
end IdentifyEvents

on MakeNewSheet()
	tell application "Numbers"
		tell document named ChosenDocName
			set ExistingSheetCount to (count (every sheet)) --Existing sheets are being checked.
			set NewSheetIndex to ExistingSheetCount + 1
			tell (make new sheet with properties {name:"Selected Events" & "–" & (NewSheetIndex as text)})
				delete (every table whose name does not start with EventName)
				tell (make new table with properties {name:EventName & space & "❨" & theYear & "❩", column count:2, row count:12, header row count:0})
					set format of every cell to text
					set {every column's width, every row's height} to {110, 36, 8.949198753E+9}
					repeat with i from 1 to (count Months4Table)
						tell row i
							set value of cell 1 to item i of Months4Table
							set {alignment of cell 1, vertical alignment of cell 1} to {center, center}
							set background color of cell 1 to {65535, 42148, 23130}
							set font name of cell 1 to "Futura-Bold"
							set font size of cell 1 to 16
							set text color of cell 1 to {65535, 65535, 65535}
							set CellValue to formatted value of cell 1
							repeat with aRec in EventMonthsInfo
								if CellValue is theMonth of contents of aRec then set value of cell 2 to MonthCount of contents of aRec
							end repeat
							if value of cell 2 is in {"", missing value} then set value of cell 2 to "–"
							set {alignment of cell 2, vertical alignment of cell 2} to {center, center}
							set background color of cell 2 to {32639, 49344, 64250}
							set font name of cell 2 to "Futura-MediumItalic"
							set font size of cell 2 to 16
							set text color of cell 2 to {65535, 65535, 65535}
						end tell
					end repeat
				end tell
			end tell
		end tell
	end tell
end MakeNewSheet

on MakeNewWorkbook()
	set DocNum to "–" & (FileCount as text)
	set TheFullPath to (((path to documents folder) as text) & (DocName & DocNum & DocExtension))
	tell application "Finder" to make new document file with properties {name:DocName & DocNum & DocExtension} at folder "Documents" of home
	tell application "Numbers"
		delay 0.5
		tell (make new document with properties {name:DocName & DocNum & DocExtension})
			tell (make new sheet with properties {name:"Selected Events" & "–1"})
				delete (every table whose name does not start with EventName)
				tell (make new table with properties {name:EventName & space & "❨" & theYear & "❩", column count:2, row count:12, header row count:0})
					set format of every cell to text
					set {every column's width, every row's height} to {110, 36, 8.949198753E+9}
					repeat with i from 1 to (count Months4Table)
						tell row i
							set value of cell 1 to item i of Months4Table
							set {alignment of cell 1, vertical alignment of cell 1} to {center, center}
							set background color of cell 1 to {65535, 42148, 23130}
							set font name of cell 1 to "Futura-Bold"
							set font size of cell 1 to 16
							set text color of cell 1 to {65535, 65535, 65535}
							set CellValue to formatted value of cell 1
							repeat with aRec in EventMonthsInfo
								if CellValue is theMonth of contents of aRec then set value of cell 2 to MonthCount of contents of aRec
							end repeat
							if value of cell 2 is in {"", missing value} then set value of cell 2 to "–"
							set {alignment of cell 2, vertical alignment of cell 2} to {center, center}
							set background color of cell 2 to {32639, 49344, 64250}
							set font name of cell 2 to "Futura-MediumItalic"
							set font size of cell 2 to 16
							set text color of cell 2 to {65535, 65535, 65535}
						end tell
					end repeat
				end tell
			end tell
			delete (every sheet whose name does not start with "Selected Events") --deletes the default sheet usually named as "Sheet 1"
			close saving in file TheFullPath
		end tell
	end tell
end MakeNewWorkbook

on OrderbyIndex(TheNames)
	set CheckPointList to {}
	repeat with aName in TheNames
		set aName to get contents of aName
		set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ".numbers"
		set TempItems to text items of aName
		set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
		set TempWord to TempItems as text
		get the last character of TempWord
			result as integer
			set end of CheckPointList to the result
		on error
			set end of CheckPointList to missing value
		end try
	end repeat
	set OnlyNum to every number of CheckPointList
	(GetHighest out of OnlyNum) of me
end SortFileNames

to GetHighest out of OnlyNum
	set TheCandidate to the first item of OnlyNum
	repeat with aNum in the rest of OnlyNum
		if TheCandidate < contents of aNum then set TheCandidate to contents of aNum
	end repeat
	return TheCandidate
end GetHighest

Model: MacBook Pro
AppleScript: 2.7
Browser: Safari 605.1.15
Operating System: macOS 10.13

Hi scrutinizer82.

Thanks for posting your script. Since it’s a proffered script rather than a query, I’ll ask Mark to move it to our Code Exchange forum.

However, a couple of points:
• If there are no similar files in the Documents folder, the script errors when it tries to get their names! The line …

set TargetFilesNames to name of every document file of folder "Documents" of home whose name begins with DocName

… should be in the ‘else’ section of the following ‘if … else’ statement.

• Although the script finds my three test events and correctly identifies their month and year, they don’t appear in the Numbers table that’s created. There’s an orange column containing the names of all the months of the chosen year and light blue one containing only dashes. The problem is (with Numbers 6.1 on my machine) that although the values in column 1 are set to the month strings and appear as such in the table, the values which come out of those cells are AppleScript dates! I think this is something to do with the cells’ formats being ‘automatic’ by default and Numbers recognising the names as belonging to months. Three fixes which seem to work are:

  1. Set the cells’ formats to text before setting their values, or
  2. Get the ‘formatted value’ of each cell 1 instead of its ‘value’, or
  3. Get the value from the ‘Months4Table’ list again instead of from cell 1.

I’d recommend doing both 1) and 3).

Some efficiencies are possible too, such as setting the properties of entire columns rather than of their individual cells. For instance:

on MakeNewWorkbook()
	set DocNum to "–" & ((FileCount + 1) as text)
	set TheFullPath to (((path to documents folder) as text) & (DocName & DocNum & DocExtension))
	set NewSheetIndex to 1
	tell application "Finder" to make new document file with properties {name:DocName & DocNum & DocExtension} at folder "Documents" of home
	tell application "Numbers"
		delay 0.5
		tell (make new document with properties {name:DocName & DocNum & DocExtension})
			tell (make new sheet with properties {name:"Selected Events" & "–" & (NewSheetIndex as text)})
				tell (make new table with properties {name:EventName & space & "❨" & theYear & "❩", column count:2, row count:12, header row count:0})
					set {every column's width, every row's height} to {110, 36, 8.949198753E+9} -- There's an extra item here! It's harmless though.
					-- Set the cells' other properties per column.
					tell column 1
						set format to text
						set {alignment, vertical alignment} to {center, center}
						set background color to {65535, 42148, 23130}
						set font name to "Futura-Bold"
						set font size to 16
						set text color to {65535, 65535, 65535}
					end tell
					tell column 2
						set {alignment, vertical alignment} to {center, center}
						set background color to {32639, 49344, 64250}
						set font name to "Futura-MediumItalic"
						set font size to 16
						set text color to {65535, 65535, 65535}
					end tell
					-- Now set the cell values.
					repeat with i from 1 to (count Months4Table)
						tell row i
							set CellValue to item i of Months4Table
							set value of cell 1 to CellValue
							set noHitsThisMonth to true
							repeat with aRec in EventMonthsInfo
								if CellValue is theMonth of aRec then
									set value of cell 2 to MonthCount of aRec
									set noHitsThisMonth to false
									exit repeat
								end if
							end repeat
							if noHitsThisMonth then set value of cell 2 to "–"
						end tell
					end repeat
				end tell
				delete (every table whose name does not start with EventName) --deletes the default table usually named as "Table 1"
			end tell
			delete (every sheet whose name does not start with "Selected Events") --deletes the default sheet usually named as "Sheet 1"
			close saving in file TheFullPath
		end tell
	end tell
end MakeNewWorkbook

Hello, Nigel

Thanks for your reply and pointed errors, much appreciated. Indeed, I overlooked the potential error raising in the situation where target files produce an empty list; I corrected this segment and re-grouped the statements accordingly. I also changed the modification date in the heading of the original post to reflect this update.

Speaking of the formatting code I added a line taking care of formatting all of the cells as text.
As for efficiency, I too, agree with you and I think that the code would, probably, run faster. However, I think I leave it as is, as long as it does the job properly. One reason is that I’m lazy having to re-write much of what is already present, the other one is that I’m charmed by the esthetics as I watch it transforming the original formatting into mine at moderate animation speed: I think I let the graphic card work up the load it takes as the transformation happens.

I also made several tweaks here and there to bring some polish and will continue experimenting.

However, what puzzles me is that at some point “Numbers” would return the error “Invalid name of the table” or smth to the effect of that, other time working through nicely. I haven’t found a definite answer, either in existing literature or on the Internet. What would be your thought on why this happens? The error prevented me from testing that cell formatting line though I think it’s a pretty simple and obvious addition not to worry about it much.

Fair enough. :slight_smile:

I get the error when I attempt to give a table a name already taken by another table in the same sheet.

I got down to cleaning up my script, I added a couple of informational dialogs. I think I’ve put together the bare framework of its operation by now. As far as I can tell it collects requested data and outputs it to the Numbers table, save some minor harmless errors. The cell format problem still remains, though, in that that Numbers overrides AppleScript actions: telling a table to set all of its cells to text just like telling that rows, columns, makes no difference at the runtime of this script. I quickly created a supplemental script targetting an already existing table of an already existing document and that way I was able to change the cell format from auto to text but not otherwise.

The fact that I cannot make a new table with a similar name in the same sheet is equally odd, to say the least.

NB. On a side note: there’s something wrong with iCal AppleScript implementation. It falls flat returning some events: with this script, I was unable to get all of the recurring events originating with the parent event, the majority of them were skipped for no apparent reason, thereby skewing the result.

Hi scrutinizer82.

I’ve just seen the above addendum to your post.

Yes. The AppleScript implementations of iCal and Calendar only return the base event of any recurring series. Not particularly helpful!

You may find Shane’s CalendarLib EC library useful. It uses ASObjC to work directly with the system’s “EventKit” framework and provides its own commands. Not only is it much faster (scriptwise) than the Calendar application, but its searches return individual instances of recurring events.