Here’s a snippet of code that should help anyone dealing in seconds. So far I’ve only been able to convert times that are less than a day long, but I hope to get it up to weeks, months, and years. It shouldn’t be that difficult, but checking the math might be a pain. The reason I made this is because when you return MP3 track information using the mdls command, it will give you only seconds. Enjoy.
to timeConvert(inputSeconds)
if inputSeconds is less than 10 then
return ("00:0" & inputSeconds) as string
else if inputSeconds is less than 60 then --less than 60 seconds
return ("00:" & inputSeconds) as string
else if inputSeconds is less than 600 then --less than 10 minutes
set theMinutes to inputSeconds div 60
set theSeconds to inputSeconds mod 60
if theSeconds is less than 10 then
set theSeconds to ("0" & theSeconds) as string
end if
return ("0" & theMinutes & ":" & theSeconds) as string --minutes will also be < 10
else if inputSeconds is less than 3600 then --less than one hour
set theMinutes to (inputSeconds div 60)
set theSeconds to inputSeconds mod 60
if theSeconds is less than 10 then
set theSeconds to ("0" & theSeconds) as string
end if
return (theMinutes & ":" & theSeconds) as string --no formatting needed for minutes
else if inputSeconds is less than 86400 then --1 day
set theMinutes to (inputSeconds div 60) --total minutes
set theSeconds to (inputSeconds mod 60)
set theHours to (theMinutes div 60)
set theMinutes to (theMinutes mod 60)
if theSeconds is less than 10 then
set theSeconds to ("0" & theSeconds) as string
end if
if theMinutes is less than 10 then
set theMinutes to ("0" & theMinutes) as string
end if
return (theHours & ":" & theMinutes & ":" & theSeconds) as string
return 0
end if
end timeConvert
set timeCounter to timeConvert(1500)
Running this snippet should return “25:00” – 25 minutes.
Welcome to MacScripter and thanks for posting your solution. (You haven’t changed the original variable name in the “less than 10 minutes” section!)
If you’re interested, AppleScript has some constants you may find handy: ‘weeks’, ‘days’, ‘hours’, and ‘minutes’. Their values are the number of seconds in those time periods. So for instance:
2 * minutes --> 120
Months and years don’t have fixed lengths, so there are no constants for them and you won’t be able to realise your ambition to include them without reference to specific dates.
With a couple of lists and a couple of repeats, you could get rid of all the 'else if’s:
on timeConvert(inputSeconds)
set theWeeks to inputSeconds div weeks
set theDays to inputSeconds mod weeks div days
set theHours to inputSeconds mod days div hours
set theMinutes to inputSeconds mod hours div minutes
set theSeconds to inputSeconds mod minutes
set theFigures to {theWeeks, theDays, theHours, theMinutes, theSeconds}
set figureCount to (count theFigures)
set theOutput to {}
repeat with i from 1 to figureCount - 2 -- Find the first non-zero figure before the minutes, if any.
set thisFigure to item i of theFigures
if (thisFigure > 0) then -- If found, insert this figure into the output list as is and stop the search.
set end of theOutput to thisFigure
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
repeat with i from (i + 1) to figureCount -- Pad the remaining figures to 2 digits each and append them to the output.
set end of theOutput to text 2 thru 3 of ((100 + (item i of theFigures)) as text)
end repeat
set astid to AppleScript's text item delimiters -- Coerce the output list to colon-delimited text.
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ":"
set theOutput to theOutput as text
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to astid
return theOutput
end timeConvert
set timeCounter to timeConvert(weeks + days + 1500) --> "1:01:00:25:00"
This will do the same and have a fixed notation, Now you don’t even need a repeat and only 1 if statement
on timeConvert(tis) --tis: time in seconds
set theSeconds to tis mod 60
set theMinutes to tis div 60
set theHours to theMinutes div 60 as string
set theMinutes to theMinutes mod 60
if length of theHours is 1 then --only the hours is infinte so it can be more than two decimals.
set theHours to "0" & theHours
end if
theHours & ":" & characters -2 thru -1 of ("00" & theMinutes as string) & ":" & characters -2 thru -1 of ("00" & theSeconds as string) as string
end timeConvert
Much better Nigel, I had a little too much coercions in it. The double zero is something personal. I like the idea when notating number like this (with a fixed width) to use exact the same numbers as the fixed width. So when the variable is “” it still doesn’t throw an error. I know it’s not possible in this case but sometimes things are getting routine work instead of thinking about it, like in this case.
Maybe it should throw an error if the variable’s “”.
My preferred leading zero method (for widths up to eight digits) is the one I used in post #2 above, which substitutes a simple mathematical operation for a text concatenation ” more efficient:
theHours & ":" & text 2 thru 3 of ((100 + theMinutes) as text) & ":" & text 2 thru 3 of ((100 + theSeconds) as text)
In fact, with yet another mathematical operator, the two coercions to text can be done in one:
tell ((10000 + theMinutes * 100 + theSeconds) as text) to return theHours & ":" & text 2 thru 3 & ":" & text 4 thru 5
I can only agree with you but, there is always a but ;), I use this function from my library I’ve written for the following reasons:
The fixed with can be ridiculous wide (I hate limits :lol:)
Argument int can be an integer, string or number
on createLeadingZero(int, width)
set maxPrefix to ""
if (int as string)'s length > width then
return int as string
end if
repeat width times
set maxPrefix to maxPrefix & "0"
end repeat
return characters (width - (width * 2)) thru -1 of (maxPrefix & int as text) as text
end createLeadingZero
I agree that there is much more code and for small width’s I would recommend your methodT
Hmm. You still need to change that ‘characters . thru . of . as text’ construction to ‘text . thru . of .’, otherwise you’re vulnerable to stray text item delimiter values.