Simple timer. Any Q’s hit me up on AIM
set meRunning to true
set timer to text returned of (display dialog "Timer in minuets:" default answer "")
tell application "System Events" to set {thour, tmin} to {hours of (current date), (minutes of (current date)) + timer}
if tmin > 60 then
set tmin to tmin - 60
set thour to thour + 1
end if
repeat while meRunning
tell application "System Events" to set {hour, Min} to {hours of (current date), minutes of (current date)}
if thour = hour then
if tmin = Min then
set meRunning to false
end if
end if
delay 10
end repeat
--Place what you want to happen when timer is up below this line.
repeat 5 time
delay .5
end repeat