Times RSS reader with Growl notifications

I am very new to apple scripting, and i am trying to write a script that will send a growl notification from times (by acrillicapps) whenever i have a new feed, or “fresh” as they call it in their ui. any help?

Model: Macbook Pro 15"
Browser: Safari 530.19
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.5)

Sadly, it looks like the developers of Times didn’t include an Applescript dictionary in their application. This means that getting any information out of the program is next to impossible.

I downloaded Times and it’s an awesome RSS reader, I really like the “newspaper” metaphor they are using.

If I were you, I’d write to the developer and ask them for Applescript support. If they will include support for scripting, I’d love to write a review article for our readers here at Macscripter.

Best of luck!