Back in August, kerflooey directed my attention to a sort algorithm called timsort which was supposed to be very fast — so of course I had to look into it and have a go at implementing it in AppleScript! The only documentation I could find for it was the inventor’s description, which doesn’t include any sample or pseudocode, so I’ve had to work out much of the implementation from scratch.
timsort’s described by its inventor Tim Peters as adaptive, stable, natural, and modestly named. It’s essentially a one-pass iterative binary merge sort with numerous modifications to take advantage of any fortuitously placed order already present in the array. The AppleScript implementation of it here turns out to be a mixed bag speedwise. With lists that are already largely ordered — and I mean largely — and whose items take a relatively long time to compare, it can be up to twice as fast as my implementation of Yaroslavskiy’s dual-pivot Quicksort and one-and-a-half times as fast as my own iterative ternary merge sort (see below). But with lists which start out randomly ordered, it can take up to twice as long as the other two sorts — although admittedly even that’s not very long.
Although it’s a merge sort, timsort uses insertion sorting to create its initial runs. (cf. versions of Quicksort which switch to insertion sorting for partitions below a certain length.) A minimum run length is calculated based on the total number of items being sorted and the comfort zone of the insertion sort. This length goes into the sort range length either exactly a power-of-two times or just under a power-of-two times with or without a large remainder. The idea is that merges throughout the sort will thereby be between runs of similar lengths and thus maximally efficient. This is somewhat academic in light of what follows, but Peters does it anyway and so does this script.
Each insertion sort is preceded by a check for the existing ascending or descending order where an initial run’s to begin. This order will possibly be only two items long, but otherwise it’s followed for as far as it goes. If it’s descending order, the ordered group is simply reversed into ascending order. (Equal values count as ascending order, so stability isn’t compromised.) If the group’s shorter than the minimum run length, an insertion sort sorts in more items up to the minimum length as if it had arranged the already-ordered items itself. (Insertion sorts are stable too, so again stability’s preserved.) Otherwise, the entire group counts as a run. This can lead to somewhat unequal run lengths, but the imbalance tends to be mitigated later in the sort.
As each initial run’s created, its range details are stored. Where appropriate, there’s then some intermediate merging of existing runs to maintain a situation whereby each run so far is both longer than the one which follows it and longer than the combined lengths of the two which follow it. Once the final initial run has been mixed into this process, the assembled runs are merged from last to first in increasing order of length.
A great inefficiency in merge sorts is that runs have to be either merged to other lists or extracted as lists in their own right and their items merged back. Timsort extracts just the shorter run each time (or the left if they’re the same length), which leaves enough wiggle room in the original list to allow merging back to it not to overwrite any pending items in the unextracted “home” run. If it’s the left run that’s extracted, merging progresses from left to right; otherwise it has to be from right to left.
Merges begin conventionally. In a left-to-right merge, the lesser of the current values from each run (or the one from the left if they’re equal) goes into the current merge slot. In a right-to-left merge, the greater value (or from the right if equal) is used. But if either run produces a certain number of “winning” items in a row, timsort switches to “galloping” mode. In this, a binary search is done of each run to see how many items from it must be used before the current item from the other. The relevant items are then moved en masse with hopefully fewer comparisons having been needed. If galloping starts not to pay off, the merge switches back to “normal” mode (which term I fancy is slightly snappier than Peters’s “one pair at a time” mode.) Each time the merge stays in galloping mode, the threshold is lowered by one to make it easier to get back into galloping mode later. The threshold is raised by one on each switch back to normal mode. This makes practically no difference at all, but it’s a nice touch. ![:wink: :wink:](/images/emoji/apple/wink.png?v=12)
Since there are four possible merge styles — left-to-right or right-to-left in either normal mode or galloping mode — the amount of code required is potentially huge. I’ve telescoped the left-to-right and right-to-left aspects to a large extent by using variables to control the merge direction. But the left/right significance of comparisons isn’t reversible, so references and “plug-in” handlers are used to manage the associations.
Known deviations from Peters’s description:
• The minimum run lengths are shorter than Peters recommends because insertion sorting in AppleScript is more expensive than in Python. But Peters’s formula has been slightly modified to avoid the lowest coefficient figure it might otherwise produce. So if the script’s upper limit of 16 goes into the sort range length exactly a power-of-two times, 16 is the length used, not 8.
• Reciprocally, the shorter minimum run lengths make a “linear” insertion sort preferable to the binary one advocated by Peters.
• Peters allows the last run in the range to be just one item long if things work out that way. This script extends the preceding run instead.
• It’s proved too slow in AppleScript to pre-check runs before extracting them in order to leave out items which would just go back to the slots from which they came.
• Similarly, a refinement for reducing the “area of uncertainty” before a binary search adds more time than it saves and has been omitted.
• The refinement for lowering and raising the galloping mode threshold has been kept, but I’m not sure how closely it conforms to the original idea. Peters seems to suggest that the threshold be raised or lowered indefinitely, but I’ve found it less damaging to performance to restrict the movement to within certain narrow limits.
• It’s not clear from the description if galloping mode is supposed to be able to carry over between merges. In this script, it doesn’t.
(* Timsort — customisable version
Merge sort algorithm: John von Neumann, 1945.
Insertion sort algorithm: unknown author.
Timsort algorithm: Tim Peters, 2002.
AppleScript implementation: Nigel Garvey, 2018, based on earlier implementations of merge and binary insertion sorts.
Parameters: (the list, range index 1, range index 2, customisation object)
The range index parameters are integers specifying the range to be sorted in the list. They can be positive or negative and don't need to be in a particular order. The values 1 and -1 can be used to indicate the entire list.
The customisation object is a record with optional 'comparer' and/or 'slave' properties.
If given, the 'comparer' value must be a script object containing an isGreater(item1, item2) handler which compares two items passed to it from the list and returns a boolean indicating whether or not the first is "greater than" the second according to its criteria.
If given, the 'slave' value can be a list of lists in which the moves of the main sort are to be echoed. These lists must of course be long enough to allow the same absolute range indices as for the main list. Alternatively, the value can be a script object containing its own slave handlers and any necessary preset properties. This is for compatibility with scripts written to use earlier versions of my customisable sorts and might conceivably be used for other purposes, such as transposing the sort range in the slave list(s) or counting item movements. The same script object can be used for both the 'comparer' and 'slave' values if it contains both sets of handlers.
Where the 'comparer' and/or 'slave' properties are omitted, or the customisation parameter isn't a record or a script object, the defaults are direct comparisons and no 'slave' actions. Because of the customisation hooks, a "straight" sort with this code isn't as fast as with the non-customisable version. But subjectively, this isn't noticeable.
Result returned: None. The passed lists are sorted in place.
on customTimsort(theList, rangeIndex1, rangeIndex2, customiser)
script main
-- Customisation properties.
property comparer : me
property slave : me
property slaveSorting : missing value
-- Main list properties.
property lst : theList
property externalRun : missing value
property rangeStack : {}
-- Properties for the current left and right items from two runs. They'll be accessed both directly and via references in variables labelled homeValue and externalValue.
property leftValue : missing value
property rightValue : missing value
-- Properties to be set to the relevant binary search handlers.
property searchHomeRun : missing value
property searchExternalRun : missing value
-- Tuning controls.
property maxMinRun : 16.0
property maxMinGallop : 7
property minMinGallop : 4
-- Slave sorting properties.
property slaveList : missing value
property slaveExternalRun : missing value
property multipleSlaveLists : {}
property multipleSlaveExternalRuns : {}
property slaveListCount : missing value
(* Timsort process: essentially a one-pass iterative binary merge sort. *)
on tsrt(rangeStart, rangeEnd)
-- Calculate the optimum minimum run length for a merge sort of this many items.
set minimumRunLength to calculateMinimumRunLength(rangeEnd - rangeStart + 1)
(* Starting at the beginning of the sort range:
Begin each new run by skipping past items which are already in a continuous ascending or descending order until the order breaks or the end of the range is reached.
If the skipped items are in descending order, reverse them.
If they number the minimum run length or more, count them all as a run.
Otherwise include more items up to the minimum run length (or to the end of the sort range if sooner) and "complete" an insertion sort of the group.
Stack the run's range details ({start index, length}).
Merge existing runs as necessary so that each run existing so far is both longer than the one which follows it and longer than the combined lengths of the two which follow it.
Begin another new run at the next item in the sort range and repeat the above until the end of the range is reached.
Merge the resulting runs in increasing order of length.
set runStart to rangeStart
set runCount to 0
repeat while (runStart < rangeEnd) -- For each new run.
set previousValue to my lst's item (runStart + 1) -- This *will* be the "previous" value in a moment!
set k to runStart + 2
-- Test the order of the first two items here. (Equality = ascending order.)
if (my comparer's isGreater(my lst's item runStart, previousValue)) then
-- If it's descending order, follow it for as far as it goes, then reverse the group.
repeat until (k > rangeEnd)
set thisValue to my lst's item k
if (my comparer's isGreater(previousValue, thisValue)) then
set previousValue to thisValue
set k to k + 1
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
-- Reverse the group into ascending order.
set l to runStart
set r to k - 1
if (slaveSorting) then slave's |reverse|(l, r)
repeat while (l < r)
tell my lst's item l
set my lst's item l to my lst's item r
set my lst's item r to it
end tell
set l to l + 1
set r to r - 1
end repeat
-- Otherwise just follow the ascending order for as far as it goes.
repeat until (k > rangeEnd)
set thisValue to my lst's item k
if (my comparer's isGreater(previousValue, thisValue)) then exit repeat
set previousValue to thisValue
set k to k + 1
end repeat
end if
-- Make the run the calculated mininum length unless it would end thereby within the initial order, beyond the sort range, or just one item from the end of the range. Where relevant, "complete" an insertion sort of it from where the order breaks.
set runEnd to runStart + minimumRunLength - 1
if (runEnd < k) then
-- Within the initial order. Count the entire ordered group as the run.
set runEnd to k - 1
-- If beyond the end of the sort range, or only one item from the end, end the run at the end of the range.
if (runEnd + 2 > rangeEnd) then set runEnd to rangeEnd
-- Complete an insertion sort from k.
isrt(runStart, k, runEnd)
end if
-- Store the run's start index and length on the range stack.
set end of my rangeStack to {runStart, runEnd - runStart + 1}
set runCount to runCount + 1
-- Merge existing runs as necessary to maintain "invariants" (a Python term?) whereby each run is longer than the one which follows it and longer than the combined lengths of the two which follow it.
repeat -- until the invariants are satisfied and in equilibrium.
set endRunLength to my rangeStack's end's end
if ((runCount < 3) or (my rangeStack's item -3's end > ((my rangeStack's item -2's end) + endRunLength))) then
-- A third-from-last run either doesn't exist or is longer than the last two put together.
-- If a second-from-last doesn't exist either, or is longer than the last, the invariants are met.
if ((runCount < 2) or (my rangeStack's item -2's end > endRunLength)) then exit repeat
-- Otherwise prepare to merge the second-from-last and last runs.
set stackPointer to -1
else if (my rangeStack's item -3's end < endRunLength) then
-- A third-from-last run exists and is not longer than the last two put together and is in fact shorter than the last. Prepare to merge it and the second-from-last.
set stackPointer to -2
-- A third-from-last run exists and is not longer than the last two put together, but is not shorter than the last. Prepare to merge the second-from-last and last.
set stackPointer to -1
end if
-- Merge the selected runs.
set leftRunRange to my rangeStack's item (stackPointer - 1)
set rightRunRange to my rangeStack's item stackPointer
merge(leftRunRange, rightRunRange)
-- Increase the left range's length value to that of the now merged runs and remove the redundant right range from the stack.
set leftRunRange's item 2 to (leftRunRange's end) + (rightRunRange's end)
set my rangeStack's item stackPointer to missing value
set my rangeStack to my rangeStack's lists
set runCount to runCount - 1
end repeat
-- Prepare to start another run.
set runStart to runEnd + 1
end repeat
-- When we have a full, invariant-conforming set of runs, merge them serially in increasing order of length.
repeat with stackPointer from runCount to 2 by -1
set leftRunRange to my rangeStack's item (stackPointer - 1)
set rightRunRange to my rangeStack's item stackPointer
merge(leftRunRange, rightRunRange)
set leftRunRange's item 2 to (leftRunRange's end) + (rightRunRange's end)
end repeat
end tsrt
(* Return the optimum minimum run length for a merge sort of n items. It should go into n either exactly a power of 2 times or just under a power of 2 times with or without a large remainder. Peters reckons n itself if < 64, otherwise a length between 32 and 64. This script performs best with lengths ≤ 16 or between 9 and 16. *)
on calculateMinimumRunLength(n)
-- Keep halving n while the result's > maxMinRun (16) then round up if it's not a whole number.
repeat while (n > maxMinRun)
set n to n / 2.0
end repeat
set minimumRunLength to n div 1
if (minimumRunLength < n) then set minimumRunLength to minimumRunLength + 1
return minimumRunLength
end calculateMinimumRunLength
(* Complete an insertion sort of a range where items rangeStart thru (k - 1) are known to be in order already. Peters recommends a binary insertion sort, but a "linear" one's faster with the shorter minimum run lengths in this script. *)
on isrt(rangeStart, k, rangeEnd)
set highestValueSoFar to my lst's item (k - 1)
repeat with k from k to rangeEnd
set currentValue to my lst's item k
if (my comparer's isGreater(highestValueSoFar, currentValue)) then
repeat with insertionIndex from (k - 2) to rangeStart by -1
tell my lst's item insertionIndex
if (my comparer's isGreater(it, currentValue)) then
set my lst's item (insertionIndex + 1) to it
set insertionIndex to insertionIndex + 1
exit repeat
end if
end tell
end repeat
set my lst's item insertionIndex to currentValue
if (slaveSorting) then slave's rotate(insertionIndex, k)
set my lst's item (k - 1) to highestValueSoFar
set highestValueSoFar to currentValue
end if
end repeat
set my lst's item rangeEnd to highestValueSoFar
end isrt
(* Decide how to merge two runs (if at all) and do it. *)
on merge(leftRunRange, rightRunRange)
-- Merging's unnecessary if the right run follows on from the left anyway.
set rightRunStart to rightRunRange's beginning
set leftRunEnd to rightRunStart - 1
set leftValue to my lst's item leftRunEnd
set rightValue to my lst's item rightRunStart
if (my comparer's isGreater(leftValue, rightValue)) then
(* Merge required. *)
-- Firstly compare the runs' lengths to identify the shorter and thus the merge direction required.
set leftLength to leftRunRange's end
set rightRunLength to rightRunRange's end
set mergingRightToLeft to (leftLength > rightRunLength) -- True if the right run's shorter, otherwise merge from left to right.
-- The same code's used for both left-to-right and right-to-left merges. Set variables to control the direction.
if (mergingRightToLeft) then
-- Get the right run's items as a separate list, initialise traversal and limit indices for it, and get its last item.
set rightRunEnd to leftRunEnd + rightRunLength
set externalRun to my lst's items rightRunStart thru rightRunEnd
if (slaveSorting) then slave's extract(rightRunStart, rightRunEnd)
set externalIndex to rightRunLength
set externalLimit to 1
set rightValue to my externalRun's end
-- Set a reference to associate being an external-run value with being a right-run value.
set externalValue to a reference to rightValue
-- Initialise traversal and limit indices for the left run in the main list. We already have its last item.
set homeIndex to leftRunEnd
set homeLimit to leftRunRange's beginning
-- Set a reference to associate being a home-run value with being a left-run value.
set homeValue to a reference to leftValue
-- Plug in the relevant binary search handlers for a right-to-left merge,
set searchExternalRun to my firstSlotWGEV
set searchHomeRun to my firstSlotWGV
-- Use a negative increment value.
set step to -1
-- Initialise the merge traversal index to just beyond the merge range.
set k to rightRunEnd + 1
-- Get the left run's items as a separate list, initialise traversal and limit indices for it, and get its first item
set leftRunStart to leftRunRange's beginning
set externalRun to my lst's items leftRunStart thru leftRunEnd
if (slaveSorting) then slave's extract(leftRunStart, leftRunEnd)
set externalIndex to 1
set externalLimit to leftLength
set leftValue to my externalRun's beginning
-- Set a reference to associate being an external-run value with being a left-run value.
set externalValue to a reference to leftValue
-- Initialise traversal and limit indices for the right run in the main list. We already have its first item
set homeIndex to rightRunStart
set homeLimit to leftRunEnd + rightRunLength
-- Set a reference to associate being a home-run value with being a right-run value.
set homeValue to a reference to rightValue
-- Plug in the relevant binary search handlers for a left-to-right merge.
set searchExternalRun to my lastSlotWLEV
set searchHomeRun to my lastSlotWLV
-- Use a positive increment value.
set step to 1
-- Initialise the merge traversal index to just before the merge range.
set k to leftRunStart - 1
end if
-- Begin the merge normally, switching to "galloping mode" if a "streak" (my term for the number of times in succession that a run supplies the value used) reaches the minGallop threshold and switching back again if both streaks drop below the threshold.
set homeStreak to 0
set externalStreak to 0
set minGallop to maxMinGallop
set normalMode to true
set k to k + step
if (normalMode) then
(* If the current value from the left run is greater than that from the right, move the one from the "home" run to the next merge slot and get the next value from the home run. Otherwise use the value from the external run and get the next value from there. Finish when either run is used up, otherwise update the streaks and switch to galloping mode if appropriate. *)
if (my comparer's isGreater(leftValue, rightValue)) then
set my lst's item k to homeValue's contents
if (slaveSorting) then slave's reposition(homeIndex, k)
if (homeIndex = homeLimit) then
set k to k + step
if (slaveSorting) then slave's massPlace(externalIndex, externalLimit, k, step)
set my lst's item k to externalValue's contents
repeat with externalIndex from externalIndex + step to externalLimit by step
set k to k + step
set my lst's item k to my externalRun's item externalIndex
end repeat
exit repeat
end if
set homeStreak to homeStreak + 1
set externalStreak to 0
set normalMode to (homeStreak < minGallop) -- Galloping mode if false.
set homeIndex to homeIndex + step
set homeValue's contents to my lst's item homeIndex
set my lst's item k to externalValue's contents
if (slaveSorting) then slave's place(externalIndex, k)
if (externalIndex = externalLimit) then exit repeat
set homeStreak to 0
set externalStreak to externalStreak + 1
set normalMode to (externalStreak < minGallop) -- Galloping mode if false.
set externalIndex to externalIndex + step
set externalValue's contents to my externalRun's item externalIndex
end if
(* Galloping mode. Do a binary search of the remaining items in the "home" run for the last which must be used before the current item from the external run. If any, use all the home run items up to that point and get the next (if any) as the current one. Then search the remaining items in the external run for the last to use before the current home run item and use the relevant items from there. Update streaks and mode as appropriate. *)
-- Search the home run:
set x to searchHomeRun(externalValue's contents, homeIndex, homeLimit)
if (x > 0) then
-- Move the home run values(s), up to and including the one at the returned index, to the next merge slot(s).
set homeStreak to (x - homeIndex) * step + 1
if (slaveSorting) then slave's massReposition(homeIndex, x, k, step)
set my lst's item k to homeValue's contents
repeat with homeIndex from homeIndex + step to x by step
set k to k + step
set my lst's item k to my lst's item homeIndex
end repeat
set k to k + step
-- If the home run's used up, place the remaining external run item(s) and exit the merge.
if (homeIndex = homeLimit) then
if (slaveSorting) then slave's massPlace(externalIndex, externalLimit, k, step)
set my lst's item k to externalValue's contents
repeat with externalIndex from externalIndex + step to externalLimit by step
set k to k + step
set my lst's item k to my externalRun's item externalIndex
end repeat
exit repeat
end if
-- Otherwise get the next value from the home run as the current home run value.
set homeIndex to homeIndex + step
set homeValue's contents to my lst's item homeIndex
-- No hits in the home run.
set homeStreak to 0
end if
-- Search the external run. Coming after the previous search, there's always at least one hit:
set x to searchExternalRun(homeValue's contents, externalIndex, externalLimit)
-- Move the external run values(s), up to and including the one at the returned index, to the next merge slot(s) …
set externalStreak to (x - externalIndex) * step + 1
if (slaveSorting) then slave's massPlace(externalIndex, x, k, step)
set my lst's item k to externalValue's contents
repeat with externalIndex from externalIndex + step to x by step
set k to k + step
set my lst's item k to my externalRun's item externalIndex
end repeat
-- … followed by the current home run value.
set k to k + step
if (slaveSorting) then slave's reposition(homeIndex, k)
set my lst's item k to homeValue's contents
-- If either run is now used up, exit the merge. Otherwise get the next value from each.
if (externalIndex = externalLimit) then exit repeat
set externalIndex to externalIndex + step
set externalValue's contents to my externalRun's item externalIndex
if (homeIndex = homeLimit) then
set k to k + step
if (slaveSorting) then slave's massPlace(externalIndex, externalLimit, k, step)
set my lst's item k to externalValue's contents
repeat with externalIndex from externalIndex + step to externalLimit by step
set k to k + step
set my lst's item k to my externalRun's item externalIndex
end repeat
exit repeat
end if
set homeIndex to homeIndex + step
set homeValue's contents to my lst's item homeIndex
-- If both streaks were less than the galloping mode threshold, switch back to normal mode and raise the threshold. Otherwise lower it.
if ((externalStreak < minGallop) and (homeStreak < minGallop)) then
set externalStreak to 0
set homeStreak to 1
set normalMode to true
if (minGallop < maxMinGallop) then set minGallop to minGallop + 1
if (minGallop > minMinGallop) then set minGallop to minGallop - 1
end if
end if
end repeat
end if
end merge
(* Binary search handlers. *)
-- Get the index of the last value in range l thru r of the home run that's less than the one given. 0 if none.
on lastSlotWLV(value, l, r)
if (comparer's isGreater(value, my lst's item l)) then
-- At least one lesser value.
repeat until (l = r)
set m to r - (r - l) div 2
if (comparer's isGreater(value, my lst's item m)) then
set l to m
set r to m - 1
end if
end repeat
return r
return 0
end if
end lastSlotWLV
-- Get the index of the last value in range l thru r of the external run that's less than or equal to the one given. Never none in this script.
on lastSlotWLEV(value, l, r)
(*if comparer's isGreater(my externalRun's item l, value)) then
return 0
-- At least one lesser or equal value.
repeat until (l = r)
set m to r - (r - l) div 2
if (comparer's isGreater(my externalRun's item m, value)) then
set r to m - 1
set l to m
end if
end repeat
return l
--end if
end lastSlotWLEV
-- Get the index of the first value in range l thru r of the home run (ie. last from the right in a right-to-left merge) that's greater than the one given. 0 if none.
on firstSlotWGV(value, r, l)
if (comparer's isGreater(my lst's item r, value)) then
-- At least one greater value.
repeat until (l = r)
set m to (l + r) div 2 -- = l + (r - l) div 2.
if (comparer's isGreater(my lst's item m, value)) then
set r to m
set l to m + 1
end if
end repeat
return l
return 0
end if
end firstSlotWGV
-- Get the index of the first value in range l thru r of the external run (ie. last from the right in a right-to-left merge) that's greater than or equal to the one given. Never none in this script.
on firstSlotWGEV(value, r, l)
(*if (comparer's isGreater(value, my externalRun's item r)) then
return 0
-- At least one greater or equal value.
repeat until (l = r)
set m to (l + r) div 2
if (comparer's isGreater(value, my externalRun's item m)) then
set l to m + 1
set r to m
end if
end repeat
return r
--end if
end firstSlotWGEV
(* Default comparison handler. *)
on isGreater(a, b)
return (a > b)
end isGreater
(* Default slave handlers. *)
-- Extract a "run" from the slave list.
on extract(a, b)
set my slaveExternalRun to my slaveList's items a thru b
end extract
-- Set the slave list's item b to its extracted run's item a.
on place(a, b)
set my slaveList's item b to my slaveExternalRun's item a
end place
-- Set the slave list's item b to its item a.
on reposition(a, b)
set my slaveList's item b to my slaveList's item a
end reposition
-- Set the slave list's items c-onwards to its extracted run's items a thru b in the direction governed by step (1 or -1).
on massPlace(a, b, c, step)
repeat with a from a to b by step
set my slaveList's item c to my slaveExternalRun's item a
set c to c + step
end repeat
end massPlace
-- Set the slave list's items c-onwards to its items a thru b in the direction governed by step (1 or -1).
on massReposition(a, b, c, step)
repeat with a from a to b by step
set my slaveList's item c to my slaveList's item a
set c to c + step
end repeat
end massReposition
-- Reverse the order of the slave list's items a thru b.
on |reverse|(a, b)
repeat ((b - a + 1) div 2) times
tell my slaveList's item a
set my slaveList's item a to my slaveList's item b
set my slaveList's item b to it
end tell
set a to a + 1
set b to b - 1
end repeat
end |reverse|
-- Rotate item b of the slave list down to slot a.
on rotate(a, b)
tell my slaveList's item b
repeat with rotationIndex from (b - 1) to a by -1
set my slaveList's item (rotationIndex + 1) to my slaveList's item rotationIndex
end repeat
set my slaveList's item a to it
end tell
end rotate
(* Alternative slave handlers for multiple slave lists. *)
on extractMultiple(a, b)
set my multipleSlaveExternalRuns to {}
repeat with i from 1 to slaveListCount
set end of my multipleSlaveExternalRuns to my multipleSlaveLists's item i's items a thru b
end repeat
end extractMultiple
on placeMultiple(a, b)
repeat with i from 1 to slaveListCount
set my multipleSlaveLists's item i's item b to my multipleSlaveExternalRuns's item i's item a
end repeat
end placeMultiple
on repositionMultiple(a, b)
repeat with i from 1 to slaveListCount
set my multipleSlaveLists's item i's item b to my multipleSlaveLists's item i's item a
end repeat
end repositionMultiple
on massPlaceMultiple(a, b, c, step)
repeat with i from 1 to slaveListCount
set k to c
repeat with j from a to b by step
set my multipleSlaveLists's item i's item k to my multipleSlaveExternalRuns's item i's item j
set k to k + step
end repeat
end repeat
end massPlaceMultiple
on massRepositionMultiple(a, b, c, step)
repeat with i from 1 to slaveListCount
set k to c
repeat with j from a to b by step
set my multipleSlaveLists's item i's item k to my multipleSlaveLists's item i's item j
set k to k + step
end repeat
end repeat
end massRepositionMultiple
on reverseMultiple(a, b)
repeat with i from 1 to slaveListCount
set l to a
set r to b
repeat ((r - l + 1) div 2) times
tell my multipleSlaveLists's item i's item l
set my multipleSlaveLists's item i's item l to my multipleSlaveLists's item i's item r
set my multipleSlaveLists's item i's item r to it
end tell
set l to l + 1
set r to r - 1
end repeat
end repeat
end reverseMultiple
on rotateMultiple(a, b)
repeat with i from 1 to slaveListCount
tell my multipleSlaveLists's item i's item b
repeat with rotationIndex from (b - 1) to a by -1
set my multipleSlaveLists's item i's item (rotationIndex + 1) to my multipleSlaveLists's item i's item rotationIndex
end repeat
set my multipleSlaveLists's item i's item a to it
end tell
end repeat
end rotateMultiple
end script
(* Process the input parameters. *)
set listLen to (count theList)
if (listLen < 2) then return
-- Negative and/or transposed range indices.
if (rangeIndex1 < 0) then set rangeIndex1 to listLen + rangeIndex1 + 1
if (rangeIndex2 < 0) then set rangeIndex2 to listLen + rangeIndex2 + 1
if (rangeIndex1 > rangeIndex2) then set {rangeIndex1, rangeIndex2} to {rangeIndex2, rangeIndex1}
(* If the sort range contains more than one item, set up the customisation and do the sort. *)
if (rangeIndex2 > rangeIndex1) then
if ((customiser is {}) or (customiser's class is record)) then
-- Use the passed or default comparer script. Get the passed or default slave parameter.
set {comparer:main's comparer, slave:slaveParam} to customiser & {comparer:main, slave:main}
if (slaveParam's class is script) then
-- Passed or default slave script. Use it.
set main's slave to slaveParam
set main's slaveSorting to (slaveParam is not main)
else if (slaveParam's class is list) then
-- Passed list of slave lists. Set the default 'slave' script object's multipleSlaveLists property to it.
set main's multipleSlaveLists to slaveParam
-- Configure the default 'slave' script object to use the best handlers for the number of slave lists. This makes no difference with a non-default slave.
set main's slaveListCount to (count main's multipleSlaveLists)
set main's slaveSorting to (main's slaveListCount > 0)
if (main's slaveSorting) then
if (main's slaveListCount is 1) then
set main's slaveList to beginning of main's multipleSlaveLists
set main's extract to main's extractMultiple
set main's place to main's placeMultiple
set main's reposition to main's repositionMultiple
set main's massPlace to main's massPlaceMultiple
set main's massReposition to main's massRepositionMultiple
set main's |reverse| to main's reverseMultiple
set main's rotate to main's rotateMultiple
end if
end if
end if
end if
tell main to tsrt(rangeIndex1, rangeIndex2)
end if
return -- nothing.
end customTimsort
property sort : customTimsort