Transfer data between Bluetooth devices

After a while looking online for an applescript able to transfer data between Bluetooth devices in a comfortable way, i realized that nobody was able to code something useful. The solution could be very simple :

 tell application "Finder" to set the_item to item 1 of (get selection) as text
do shell script "open -a 'Bluetooth File Exchange' " & (quoted form of posix path of the_item)

…but the script evolved almost alone to my joy. You can save the following script as droplet applescript App, add a nice icon (just google for “Bluetooth icon”), i hope u find it useful. There are contributions of Macscripter and Stack overflow. Feel free to share improvements for all of us! Would be nice to read these here :stuck_out_tongue:

#Bluetooth austausch
#Bluetooth File Exchange
#Erstellt von Joy am 10.08.17, ->12.08.17
# - 
# - 
# - 
--bluetooth_powerstate(0) -- off
--bluetooth_powerstate(1) -- on
--bluetooth_powerstate(-1) -- toggle
--bluetooth_powerstate(9) -- query

property blueth_on : 0
property Osx : 4245
property _versionInteger : ""

use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use framework "Foundation"
use framework "IOBluetooth"
use scripting additions

on run
	my activate_bluetooth()
end run

on open transfer_files
	if blueth_on is 0 then my activate_bluetooth()
	my main(transfer_files)
end open

on reopen
	set ls to {"kill hanging OBEXAgent", "Send file", "quit"} #{"Übertragung blockiert", "Datei senden", "Beenden"}
	set ch to choose from list ls with prompt "Choose option" #"Wähle Option..."
	if ch is false then return
	set ch to ch as text
	if ch is "kill hanging OBEXAgent" then #"Übertragung blockiert" then
		do shell script "killall OBEXAgent"
	else if ch is "Send file" then
		my main({})
		quit me
	end if
end reopen

on quit
	set blueth_on to 0
	#turn bluetooth OFF
	set res to my bluetooth_powerstate("0")
	continue quit
end quit

on activate_bluetooth()
	if blueth_on is 0 then
		#turn bluetooth ON
		set res to my bluetooth_powerstate("")
		if res is 0 then set res to my bluetooth_powerstate(1)
		set blueth_on to 1
	end if
end activate_bluetooth

on main(sel)
	set blue_device to {}
	set _versionInteger to system attribute "sysv"
	if _versionInteger > Osx then
		#"Bluetooth File Exchange"'s applescript dict is broken
		set blue_device to my get_devices()
		set lg to number of items in blue_device
		if lg > 1 then
			set ch to choose from list blue_device with prompt "Choose device" #"Wähle Gerät..."
			if ch is false then return
			set blue_device to ch as text
		end if
	end if
	if sel is {} then
		tell application "Finder"
			set frwin to (target of window 1 as text)
			set ch to choose file default location alias frwin with multiple selections allowed
			set sel to the result
			if (sel as text) is false then return
		end tell
	end if
	#send file
	my send_files(sel, blue_device)
end main

on get_devices()
	set allNames to ((current application's IOBluetoothDevice's recentDevices:0)'s valueForKey:"nameOrAddress") as list
	set pairedNames to ((current application's IOBluetoothDevice's pairedDevices())'s valueForKey:"nameOrAddress") as list
	return pairedNames
end get_devices

on send_files(sel, blue_device)
	set nw to ""
	repeat with a in sel
		set a to a as text
		set nw to nw & quoted form of POSIX path of a & " "
		delay 0.2
	end repeat
	#use shell-applescript dict is broken
	if _versionInteger > Osx then
		tell application "Bluetooth File Exchange"
				send file my_file to device blue_device
			on error #decline
			end try
		end tell
		do shell script "open -a 'Bluetooth File Exchange' " & (nw as text)
	end if
end send_files

on bluetooth_powerstate(m)
        integer m : operation mode
            0  = off
            1  = on
            -1 = toggle
            9  = query (print current state)
        return integer : resulting state
	#if m = 9 then set m to ""
	do shell script "/usr/bin/python <<'EOF' - " & m & "
# coding: utf-8
#   file:
#   function:
#       get or set bluetooth power state
#   usaeg:
#       ./bluetooth_powerstate [mode]
#           mode :
#               0  = off
#               1  = on
#               -1 = toggle
#                  = query (print current state)
#   version:
#       0.10
import sys, objc
import time
from CoreFoundation import *

IOBT_BRIDGESUPPORT = '''<?xml version=\"1.0\" standalone=\"yes\"?>
<!DOCTYPE signatures SYSTEM \"file://localhost/System/Library/DTDs/BridgeSupport.dtd\">
<signatures version=\"0.9\">
    <function name=\"IOBluetoothPreferenceGetControllerPowerState\">
        <retval type=\"i\"></retval>
    <function name=\"IOBluetoothPreferenceSetControllerPowerState\">
        <arg type=\"i\"></arg>
        <retval type=\"i\"></retval>


def set_ioblpstate(s):
    #   int s : 0 = off, 1 = on
    s1 = -1
    for i in range(50):
        s1 = get_ioblpstate()
        if s1 == s:
    if s1 != s:
        sys.stderr.write('Unable to set bluetooth power state to %s\\n' % ('off' if s == 0 else 'on').encode('utf-8'))
    return s1

def get_ioblpstate():
    return IOBluetoothPreferenceGetControllerPowerState()

def main():
    m = [ a.decode('utf-8') for a in sys.argv[1:] ]
    if m == []:
        print '%d' % get_ioblpstate()
    elif m == ['0']:
        print '%d' % set_ioblpstate(0)
    elif m == ['1']:
        print '%d' % set_ioblpstate(1)
    elif m == ['-1']:
        print '%d' % set_ioblpstate(1 if get_ioblpstate() == 0 else 0)
        sys.stderr.write('Usage: %s [mode]\\n\\t%s, %s, %s, %s\\n' % (
            sys.argv[0], 'mode: 0 = off', '1 = on', '-1 = toggle', '(void) = query')

	result + 0
end bluetooth_powerstate