transfering files contained within a folder to random access

hi guys :lol:
I would like to experiment. I want to move all the files contained
within my Ghost recon game folder to ram. In older versions of mac OS you
could set the ram allocation for a specific app. Now the OS does it for you.
On most applications that is ok, but for online gaming the files need to
be opened fast and allot of them at the same time.
I have 1.22 gigs of data within the folder and I want to load every bit of it
to ram before playing a game. Can it be done :rolleyes: ???

I am sure that it can cuz ya’ll are wicked smart!

btw i have worked on script for it but it would just give ya a laugh.

It’s easy to read a file with AppleScript. I have no idea whether it will make a difference to the application launch time or not. You’ll need to test it to see:

[This script was automatically tagged for color coded syntax by Convert Script to Markup Code]

I need to load 1400 + files into ram, there are hundreds of folders and 1400
files. I need applescript to be able to throw the data to ram so the apps will
go to ram instead of the hardrive. Since the data doesn’t have to be active
I am looking for a script that will open and then close the data so it will not
drag on the cpu. I truly don’t understand why they got rid of the ram allocation in the first place, but I don’t run the company. I am not even sure if
this will make a difference in the gaming experience, but I know that it’s gold if it works. the only prob with the reply suggestion is it’s for only one file. Can it be expanded??.. Damn ya’ll are truly wicked smart!