So I was doing some work trying to manage tasks and got irritated that I didn’t have a decent map data type in AppleScript. I didn’t really want an extension, so I figured I’d just port something quickly.
I decided on a straightforward AA tree, it’s less rigorous than a red-black tree, but still quite performant. The code is pretty well lifted from the wikipedia page on AA trees A lot of people prefer hashing, but hash tables can perform very badly with some data sets, whereas trees will perform reasonably in all cases. And, of course, you get your data sorted for free, which is generally what people want.
You could probably take the script objects and save them using the normal means; I haven’t tried that.
Usage is pretty simple:
set theSet to makeSet()
theSet's add(5)
theSet's keys()
theSet's remove(5)
theSet's contains(5) is false
set theMap to makeMap()
theMap's add("key", "value")
theMap's keys() is {"key"}
theMap's values() is {"value"}
theMap's keyValuePairs() is {{"key", "value"}}
theMap's remove("key")
theMap's contains("key") is false
theMap's lookUp("key", "default") is "default"
No bulk methods like union or difference, I’m afraid.
on makeSet()
script SortedSet
property root : missing value
on treeNode(the_key)
return {key:the_key, level:1, leftN:missing value, rightN:missing value}
end treeNode
on copyData(S, D)
set D's key to S's key
end copyData
on skew(T)
if T is missing value then
return missing value
else if T's leftN is missing value then
return T
else if T's leftN's level is equal to T's level then
-- Swap the pointers of horizontal leftN links.
set L to T's leftN
set T's leftN to L's rightN
set L's rightN to T
return L
return T
end if
end skew
on split(T)
if T is missing value then
return missing value
else if T's rightN is missing value or T's rightN's rightN is missing value then
return T
else if T's level is equal to T's rightN's rightN's level then
local R
set R to T's rightN
set T's rightN to R's leftN
set R's leftN to T
set R's level to (R's level) + 1
return R
return T
end if
end split
on insert(X, T)
-- Do the normal binary tree insertion procedure. Set the result of the
-- recursive call to the correct child in case a new node was created or the
-- root of the subtree changes.
if T is missing value then
-- Create a new leaf node with X.
return X
else if X's key < T's key then
set T's leftN to insert(X, T's leftN)
else if X's key > T's key then
set T's rightN to insert(X, T's rightN)
else if X's key = T's key then
copyData(X, T)
end if
-- Perform skew and then split. The conditionals that determine whether or
-- not a rotation will occur or not are inside of the procedures, as given
-- above.
set T to skew(T)
set T to split(T)
return T
end insert
on add(X)
local R
set R to insert(treeNode(X), root)
set root to R
end add
on keys()
script working
property the_list : {}
on handle(N)
set the_list's end to N's key
end handle
end script
if root is not missing value then
traverse(root, working)
end if
return working's the_list
end keys
on traverse(N, obj)
if N's leftN is not missing value then
traverse(N's leftN, obj)
end if
obj's handle(N)
if N's rightN is not missing value then
traverse(N's rightN, obj)
end if
end traverse
on min(A, B)
if A < B then
return A
return B
end if
end min
on level_of(T)
if T is missing value then
return 0
return T's level
end if
end level_of
on leaf(T)
return T's leftN is missing value and T's rightN is missing value
end leaf
on decrease_level(T)
local should_be
set should_be to min(level_of(T's leftN), level_of(T's rightN)) + 1
if should_be < T's level then
set T's level to should_be
if should_be < level_of(T's rightN) then
set T's rightN's level to should_be
end if
end if
return T
end decrease_level
on predecessor(T)
local N, P
set N to T's leftN
if N's rightN is missing value then
set T's leftN to missing value
return N
end if
repeat while N's rightN is not missing value
set P to N
set N to N's rightN
end repeat
set P's rightN to missing value
return N
end predecessor
on successor(T)
local N, P
set N to T's rightN
if N's leftN is missing value then
set T's rightN to missing value
return N
end if
repeat while N's leftN is not missing value
set P to N
set N to N's leftN
end repeat
set P's leftN to missing value
return N
end successor
on deleteNode(K, T)
local L
if T is missing value then
return missing value
else if K > T's key then
set T's rightN to deleteNode(K, T's rightN)
else if K < T's key then
set T's leftN to deleteNode(K, T's leftN)
if leaf(T) then
return missing value
else if T's leftN is missing value then
set L to successor(T)
set T's rightN to deleteNode(L's key, T's rightN)
copyData(L, T)
set L to predecessor(T)
set T's leftN to deleteNode(L's key, T's leftN)
copyData(L, T)
end if
end if
--Rebalance the tree. Decrease the level of all nodes in this level if
--necessary, and then skew and split all nodes in the new level.
set T to decrease_level(T)
set T to skew(T)
set T's rightN to skew(T's rightN)
if T's rightN is not missing value then
set T's rightN's rightN to skew(T's rightN's rightN)
end if
set T to split(T)
set T's rightN to split(T's rightN)
return T
end deleteNode
on remove(K)
set root to deleteNode(K, root)
end remove
on nestedLists(T)
local X
set X to "["
if T's leftN is not missing value then
set X to X & nestedLists(T's leftN) & "|"
end if
set X to X & (T's key as string)
if T's rightN is not missing value then
set X to X & "|" & nestedLists(T's rightN)
end if
return X & "]"
end nestedLists
on nested()
return nestedLists(root)
end nested
on findNode(K, T)
if T is missing value then
return missing value
else if K < T's key then
return findNode(K, T's leftN)
else if K > T's key then
return findNode(K, T's rightN)
return T
end if
end findNode
on containsKey(K)
return findNode(K, root) is not missing value
end containsKey
end script
return SortedSet
end makeSet
on makeMap()
local SortedSet
set SortedSet to my makeSet()
script SortedMap
property parent : SortedSet
on treeNode(the_key, the_val)
return {key:the_key, value:the_val, level:1, leftN:missing value, rightN:missing value}
end treeNode
on copyData(S, D)
set D's key to S's key
set D's value to S's value
end copyData
on add(K, V)
set my root to insert(treeNode(K, V), my root)
end add
on lookup(K, D)
local N
set N to findNode(K, root)
if N is missing value then
return D
return N's value
end if
end lookup
on values()
script working
property the_list : {}
on handle(N)
set the_list's end to N's value
end handle
end script
if my root is not missing value then
my traverse(my root, working)
end if
return working's the_list
end values
on keyValuePairs()
script working
property the_list : {}
on handle(N)
set the_list's end to {N's key, N's value}
end handle
end script
if my root is not missing value then
my traverse(my root, working)
end if
return working's the_list
end keyValuePairs
end script
return SortedMap
end makeMap