This first post consists of a trigonometry library based on the bc command line utility that ships with all Mac’s, it precision, is as good as it gets, but no better than Satimage.osax, and probably much slower.
All angles are supposed to be given in radians, and functions that returns angles as result, (the tangens functions), also returns those in radians.
To convert from a degree to a radian, multiply with pi / 180, conversely, to convert from radians to an angle, multiply with 180 / pi.
script bcTrigsLib
on run
set cos_val to my _cos(60 * pi / 180)
set sin_val to my _sin(30 * pi / 180)
set tan_val to my _tan(30 * pi / 180)
set tan_deg to (my _atan(0.57733026919)) * 180 / pi
set cos_deg to (my _acos(0.5)) * 180 / pi
set sin_deg to (my _asin(0.5)) * 180 / pi
set atan_angl to (my _atan2({(my _cos(60 * pi / 180)), (my _sin(60 * pi / 180))})) * 180 / pi
end run
to _cos(aReal)
local tids, theRadian, tempvar
# must adjust for Locale decimal separator before calling bc
set theRadian to aReal as text
tell (a reference to AppleScript's text item delimiters)
set {tids, contents of it} to {contents of it, ","}
set tempvar to text items of theRadian
set contents of it to "."
set theRadian to tempvar as text
set contents of it to tids
end tell
return (do shell script "echo \"scale=20; c(" & theRadian & ")\" |bc -l | tr -s '.' ','") as number
end _cos
to _sin(aReal)
local tids, theRadian, tempvar
# must adjust for Locale decimal separator before calling bc
set theRadian to aReal as text
tell (a reference to AppleScript's text item delimiters)
set {tids, contents of it} to {contents of it, ","}
set tempvar to text items of theRadian
set contents of it to "."
set theRadian to tempvar as text
set contents of it to tids
end tell
return (do shell script "echo \"scale=20; s(" & theRadian & ")\" |bc -l | tr -s '.' ','") as number
end _sin
to _tan(aReal)
local tids, theCosine, tempvar
# must adjust for Locale decimal separator before calling bc
set theTangent to aReal as text
tell (a reference to AppleScript's text item delimiters)
set {tids, contents of it} to {contents of it, ","}
set tempvar to text items of theTangent
set contents of it to "."
set theTangent to tempvar as text
set contents of it to tids
end tell
return (do shell script "echo \"scale=20; s(" & theTangent & ")/ c( " & theTangent & ") \" |bc -l | tr -s '.' ','") as number
end _tan
to _acos(in_unity_range)
if (in_unity_range < -1 or in_unity_range > 1) then
error "Argument not in the range -1 ≤ arg ≤ 1" number 5001
local tids, theCosine, tempvar
# must adjust for Locale decimal separator before calling bc
set theCosine to in_unity_range as text
tell (a reference to AppleScript's text item delimiters)
set {tids, contents of it} to {contents of it, ","}
set tempvar to text items of theCosine
set contents of it to "."
set theCosine to tempvar as text
set contents of it to tids
end tell
# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inverse_trigonometric_functions, (a = atan in bc request below).
return (do shell script "echo \"scale=20; ( a(sqrt((1 - (" & theCosine & "^2) ))/" & theCosine & ")) \" |bc -l | tr -s '.' ','") as number
end if
end _acos
to _asin(in_unity_range)
if (in_unity_range < -1 or in_unity_range > 1) then
error "Argument not in the range -1 ≤ arg ≤ 1" number 5001
return ((pi / 2) - (my _acos(in_unity_range)))
# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inverse_trigonometric_functions
end if
end _asin
to _atan(aReal)
local tids, theCosine, tempvar
# must adjust for Locale decimal separator before calling bc
set theTangent to aReal as text
tell (a reference to AppleScript's text item delimiters)
set {tids, contents of it} to {contents of it, ","}
set tempvar to text items of theTangent
set contents of it to "."
set theTangent to tempvar as text
set contents of it to tids
end tell
return (do shell script "echo \"scale=20; a(" & theTangent & ") \" |bc -l | tr -s '.' ','") as number
end _atan
to _atan2(tupleOfReals)
# List of two reals
if length of tupleOfReals < 2 then
error "bcTrigsLib: Bad argument: needs two reals" number 5002
else if item 1 of tupleOfReals = 0 then
error "bcTrigsLib: Bad argument: can't divide by zero." number 5001
else if item 2 of tupleOfReals = 0 then
return 0
return my _atan(((item 1 of tupleOfReals) / (item 2 of tupleOfReals)))
end if
end _atan2
end script
tell bcTrigsLib to run