I’ve got an AppleScript Studio app that works well, except that I can’t figure out how to tell it to quit depending on certain results. For example, the script presents a window where the user makes certain choices, then launches Extensis Portfolio and takes actions based on those window choices. However, if the user has forgotten to actually select images in the Portfolio catalog, I want to display a dialog (not a problem) and quit (big problem).
Here’s the actual code:
on clicked theObject
if name of theObject = "Claim" then
set myJobNumber to (contents of text field "JobNumber" of window 1) as string -- 11/16/09: Get the job number from the window.
set myShipDate to (contents of control "ShipDate" of window 1) -- 11/16/2009: Two-step approach to getting short date string from date picker.
set myShortShipDate to short date string of (myShipDate as date)
set myClient to (title of current menu item of popup button "Client" of window 1) as string -- 11/16/09: http://macscripter.net/viewtopic.php?id=5167
set myClaimInfo to myClient & "." & myJobNumber & "." & myShortShipDate as string
call method "close" of (window of theObject) -- 11/17/09: We're done with the selection window.
tell application "Finder" -- 11/24/09: Had to go to the Finder to set the dialog box's title.
display dialog "Client: " & myClient & return & "Job number: " & myJobNumber & return & "Ship date: " & myShortShipDate with title "Confirm claim information"
end tell
tell application "Portfolio 8.1"
set myDoc to get name of document 1 -- 12/2/09: Make sure that Current Images.fdb is the frontmost document in Portfolio.
if myDoc is not "Current Images.fdb" then
display dialog "Current Images.fdb is not open or is not the frontmost catalog in Portfolio. Please try again." buttons {"Cancel"} default button "Cancel"--THIS IS WHERE I WANT THE APPLESCRIPT STUDIO APP TO QUIT
display dialog myFilenameList with title "Images claimed" buttons {"OK"} default button "OK" -- 11/24/09: Works!
end tell
end timeout
else if name of theObject = "Cancel" then
end if
end clicked
Thanks for any help you can provide. I’d also like the AppleScript Studio app to quit when Portfolio is finished doing its thing, but I’ve not come up with how to do that either.