trying to get rid of a Timeout error


I have a script below that opens up a quark file and creates a PDF file. (It works for both InDesign and Quark). It uses a custom PDF setting that I have created called “C2Media_PDF.joboptions” (so if you try it out you will need to replace that with one of your regular settings)

For catalogs, it is giving me a timeout error…However, the script does finish regardless of that.
Is there anyway to tell the script to ignore this kind of error?

on open fileList
	set deskPath to path to desktop as Unicode text
	tell application "Finder"
		repeat with i from 1 to count of items of fileList
			set theFile to item i of fileList
			if not ((kind of theFile starts with "Quark") or (kind of theFile starts with "InDesign")) then
				display dialog "This file is not an InDesign or Quark document!" buttons "Skipping" default button "Skipping" with icon 0 giving up after 6
			end if
			--Determine whether to use InDesign subroutines or Quark subroutines
			if (kind of theFile starts with "InDesign") then -- Process as InDesign
				set fileName to name of theFile
				my createInDesignPDF(theFile, deskPath, (text 1 thru -6 of fileName))
			else -- Process as Quark
				my createQuarkPDF(theFile)
			end if
		end repeat
	end tell
end open

on createInDesignPDF(theFile, savePath, docName)
	tell application "Adobe InDesign CS3"
		open theFile
		set theProps to properties of PDF export preset "[C2Media_PDF.joboptions]"
		set newProps to {view PDF:false, page range:"all", crop marks:false, bleed marks:false, color bars:false, registration marks:false} & theProps
		set oldProps to properties of PDF export preferences
		set properties of PDF export preferences to newProps
		export front document format PDF type to (savePath & docName & ".pdf") without showing options
		set properties of PDF export preferences to oldProps
		close front document saving no
	end tell
end createInDesignPDF

on createQuarkPDF(theFile)
	tell application "QuarkXPress"
		open theFile
		activate application
			tell document 1 to set suppress printing of every image of (every picture box whose missing of image 1 is true) to true
		end try
	end tell
	tell application "System Events"
		tell process "QuarkXPress"
			click menu item "Layout as PDF..." of menu 1 of menu item "Export" of menu 1 of menu bar item "File" of menu bar 1
			delay 5
			click button "Save" of window "Export as PDF"
			delay 5
		end tell
	end tell
	tell application "QuarkXPress"
		close front document saving no
	end tell
end createQuarkPDF


Maybe, but I’m not sure, wrapping it in an ignoring application responses-block?

ignoring application responses
	tell application "Finder" to duplicate "qsdf" to "f"
end ignoring

Hope it works,

you could try this too…

with timeout of 20 * minutes seconds
	-- the common syntax is
	-- with timeout of integer seconds
	-- the integer value is 20 * minutes (= 20 * 60  = 1200)
end timeout


Browser: Firefox 3.6.3
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.6)

OK, I have tried both of your codes…
I have placed them in different parts of the script, but nothing yet.
Can you please guide me as to where your code would be placed in my script…I am not use to working with either of these commands…thanks so much!!!

What line causes the error?

Well, the interesting thing is, that the script will finish and the PDF will be made from the quark document and it will be OK.
I was getting the error around page 30 of the document, where there are some really large images. It’s just more of an annoyance than anything else. And it doesn’t happen on all our catalogs, just a few, but like I said, the PDF seems OK.
I was just trying to find away to get rid of the message.
So, in a nutshell, the script itself keeps going, even after the message comes on screen.
Weird…huh :wink:

Try to wrap the handlers in to an “ignoring application responses”-block.


on open fileList
	set deskPath to path to desktop as Unicode text
	tell application "Finder"
		repeat with i from 1 to count of items of fileList
			set theFile to item i of fileList
			if not ((kind of theFile starts with "Quark") or (kind of theFile starts with "InDesign")) then
				display dialog "This file is not an InDesign or Quark document!" buttons "Skipping" default button "Skipping" with icon 0 giving up after 6
			end if
			--Determine whether to use InDesign subroutines or Quark subroutines
			if (kind of theFile starts with "InDesign") then -- Process as InDesign
				set fileName to name of theFile
				my createInDesignPDF(theFile, deskPath, (text 1 thru -6 of fileName))
			else -- Process as Quark
				my createQuarkPDF(theFile)
			end if
		end repeat
	end tell
end open

on createInDesignPDF(theFile, savePath, docName)
	ignoring application responses
		tell application "Adobe InDesign CS3"
			open theFile
			set theProps to properties of PDF export preset "[C2Media_PDF.joboptions]"
			set newProps to {view PDF:false, page range:"all", crop marks:false, bleed marks:false, color bars:false, registration marks:false} & theProps
			set oldProps to properties of PDF export preferences
			set properties of PDF export preferences to newProps
			export front document format PDF type to (savePath & docName & ".pdf") without showing options
			set properties of PDF export preferences to oldProps
			close front document saving no
		end tell
	end ignoring
end createInDesignPDF

on createQuarkPDF(theFile)
	ignoring application responses
		tell application "QuarkXPress"
			open theFile
			activate application
				tell document 1 to set suppress printing of every image of (every picture box whose missing of image 1 is true) to true
			end try
		end tell
		tell application "System Events"
			tell process "QuarkXPress"
				click menu item "Layout as PDF..." of menu 1 of menu item "Export" of menu 1 of menu bar item "File" of menu bar 1
				delay 5
				click button "Save" of window "Export as PDF"
				delay 5
			end tell
		end tell
		tell application "QuarkXPress"
			close front document saving no
		end tell
	end ignoring
end createQuarkPDF

Hope it works,


OK-first it wasn’t doing anything, other than opening and closing the quark file.
So, I removed the first ignore you had in the InDesign area, which is fine, since I am only going too use this one for the quark files.
I left it on for the quark part and it worked like a charm!!!
AWESOME!!! :lol::lol::lol:
