Hi I am new to Applescripting in Xcode and I am trying to make a very simple app. However I am having the worst time trying to get applescript to post text into my interface nib. I am using Xcode 3.1.3 and interface builder 3.1.2. The project is an Applescript Application.
set the contents of text field “textA” to “test”
This returns a compile time error of:
/Sync Folders/Sync Folders.applescript:65: A “”" can’t go after this identifier. (-2740)
If I do
set the contents of “textA” to “test”
It returns a run time error of:
Can’t set contents of “textA” to “test” (-10006)
also tried variations of
set the contents of text field “textA” of window “mainWin” to “test”
set the contents of text field “textA” of window 1 to “test”
set contents of text field “textA” to “test”
set title of text field “textA” to “test”
In the Nib I tried a bunch of different objects as containers for the text… labels, buttons, and text fields. I have set “textA” as the name of the text field object.
Nothing works please help!
Here is more code in case some wanted to see more. Everything else works fine except the set contents statement.
on clicked theObject
tell application "Finder"
if name of theObject = "A_Button" then
set the source_folder to choose folder with prompt ¬
"Pick a folder to Mirror:"
end try
set tmp to source_folder as text
tell window "mainWin" of theObject
-- tell theObject with name "pathA"
-- set title of "pathAText" to tmp as text
set the contents of "textA" to "test" as string
-- set the contents of text field "textA" of window "mainWin" to "test"
-- end tell
end tell
else if name of theObject = "B_Button" then
set the des_folder to choose folder with prompt ¬
"Pick the other folder to be synced:"
end try
tell window 1
set contents of pathBText to des_folder as string
end tell
else if name of theObject = "Sync_Button" then
if (source_folder is null or des_folder is null) then
-- do nothing
Mirror(source_folder, des_folder)
end if
end if
end tell
Thank you for the quick reply!
Now I am even more confused. So building an applescript application is not the same as applescript studio? What syntax I should be using as reference and examples when building my applescript application in Xcode? I just thought applescript was applescript. =/
I changed my code to:
set the string value of text field “textA” to “test”
Compiles great but… I get run time error "The specified object is a property, not an element. (-10008)
The syntax is the same in AppleScript and AppleScript Studio but AppleScript Studio code can cause conflicts in application tell blocks.
For example don’t do this:
tell application "Finder"
set theName to name of file 1
set string value of text field "field" of window "main" to theName
end tell
this is recommended
tell application "Finder"
set theName to name of file 1
end tell
set string value of text field "field" of window "main" to theName
All objects must be full referenced. Your text field “textA” is an element if the main window, write this
text field "textA" of window "mainWin"
Don’t mix up references like theObject variable
in the on clicked handler theObject is the full reference to the object which triggers the handler.
Avoid writing this
Ahhh. Thanks for the tips, I feel a bit dumb about the finder telling now that I thought about it. You are right I am not even working with the finder. Anyways I finally got the code to work.
this worked:
set the string value of text field “textA” of window 1 to “test”
this did not:
set the string value of text field “textA” of window “mainWin” to “test”
I had to refer to the window as window 1. Calling it by its name gave me a run time error that it could not change window “mainWin” to “text”. So what does 1 represent? I don’t see that tag in the inspector. Maybe thats a relative address? Saying parent window of the object?
I tied to use the absolute referencing to the “mainWin” and it gave me an error:
"Can’t set window “mainWin” to “text” (-10006)
set the string value of text field “textA” of window “mainWin” to “text”
I checked project builder 10 times on the spelling and case. It is the correct name of the window under the applescript tab. Buttons all work but the referring of the window does not. Saying window 1 is the only thing that works. Is there something else I am missing? I put scope [global] and Script [sync.applescript]
Ok I was clicking on the background of the window to get the inspector data for the window. That was the window view!! Clicking on the window bar gave me the inspection for the window. It works now! Sadly I think this is why I know so many iphone developers that don’t use interface builder.