Unknown error message - drag regions - ObjC

I get a…

… Error when I try to run a longer script in “Script editor”

I’ve no idea what ‘drag regions’ means.
I use “dialog toolkit plus” and the script ran without errors prior to switch to mojave
An online research brought up only a hand full, but not related results to applescript. Some tips?

It sounds like you’re using an old version of Dialog Toolkit Plus. The system has become stricter about what must be done on the main thread, which is what that error is about.

The version of :


However, I noticed all my scripts using Dialog Toolkit Plus, reference to it as :

And all work perfectly, except the one I wanted to update. Ok, so I thought let’s change version “1.0.1” to “1.1.2” to match it with the version no I saw in the hfs file path, but a different version number handed the script from compiling

In addition, after a few trials I got a crash with reboot and this twisted behavior repeated twice, as I tried again after. I had nothing else than “Script editor” running

The console says, Out of memory but I don’t belive that even for a second as my rig mounts 12gb ram what…is going on? :frowning:

I can try to copy paste my script in a new window and save again. Hate so much crashing stuff on mature systems…

The version number that matters is the one of the file in ~/Library/Scripts Library – you can see it via Get Info in the Finder. The version numbers in your scripts that call the library are just a check that the library is at least a particular version.

And yes, main thread issues tend to cause apps to crash.