UnLock a single layer in illustrator?

Hi all-
I have a script that runs on layer 1 or the first layer in the pallet in Illustrator. Currently I have to have the script run and unLock ALL the layers and Sub-Layers. When I try to have it only unLock the first layer / Layer 1 in Illustrator it gives me an error: “Target Layer Cannot be Modified”. What am I doing wrong??? Any help? Here is the code I am using…

Works but unLocks All layers and SubLayers:

		tell application "Illustrator CS"
			set user interaction level to never interact --turns off the majority of dialogs
			set theImage to open aFile --open and process one of the files
			set thisDoc to current document
			--Begin Unlock of Layers and Sub-Layers
			set tLayers to name of every layer of thisDoc
			tell thisDoc
				repeat with i from 1 to (count tLayers)
					set locked of layer (item i of tLayers) to false
					try -- if layers or items are not unlocking try commenting out the try and end try statements to find out what the errors are.
						set sLayers to every layer of layer (item i of tLayers)
						repeat with aSLayer in sLayers
							--set visible of aSLayer to true --makes every layer item visible
							set locked of aSLayer to false
							set locked of every page item of aSLayer to false -- I added the try statement above because if there are no page items in the sub-layer the code will error.
						end repeat
					end try
				end repeat
			end tell
			--END Unlock of Layers and Sub-layers
			--Unlock all objects on the page
				set (locked of every page item of thisDoc whose locked is true) to false
			end try
			--End Unlock all objects
			--Remove Stray points & empty Text boxes from the sub-layers
			set strayPts to (every path item of thisDoc whose width is 0 and height is 0)
			set emptyText to (every text frame of thisDoc whose contents is "" or contents is " " or contents is (tab as text) or contents is (return as text))
			set deleteItems to strayPts & emptyText
			delete deleteItems
			--END Remove Stray Points and empty text boxes

This script gives me the error! Any help? Is there a better way?

tell application "Illustrator CS"
			set user interaction level to never interact --turns off the majority of dialogs
			set theImage to open aFile --open and process one of the files
			set thisDoc to current document
			--Begin Unlock of Layers and Sub-Layers
				set locked of layer 1 to false
			end try
			--set tLayers to name of every layer of thisDoc
			--tell thisDoc
			--	repeat with i from 1 to (count tLayers)
			--		set locked of layer (item i of tLayers) to false
			--	end repeat
			--end tell
			--END Unlock of Layers and Sub-layers
			--Unlock all objects on the page
				set (locked of every page item of thisDoc whose locked is true) to false
			end try
			--End Unlock all objects
			--Remove Stray points & empty Text boxes from the sub-layers
			set strayPts to (every path item of thisDoc whose width is 0 and height is 0)
			set emptyText to (every text frame of thisDoc whose contents is "" or contents is " " or contents is (tab as text) or contents is (return as text))
			set deleteItems to strayPts & emptyText
			delete deleteItems
			--END Remove Stray Points and empty text boxes

:cool: mamba

You forgot to tell Illustrator which document you are targeting when you are unlocking the layer:

set locked of layer 1 of thisDoc to false

wow, so simple yet I have stuggled with this for a long time. Thanks for your help!

:cool: mamba