Unusual window appearance bug

Hello experts :stuck_out_tongue: I am clueless on this one.

In my xib I have a textured window, and 3 views which I set the window’s content view to when changing tabs, but this is independent of changing tabs. Whenever the bottom edge of the window is closer than a few pixels from the bottom or below, and after some interface event has occurred (clicking a button or text field etc., but not dragging the window, typing or clicking a text view) a light grey stripe appears there, it seems to be the same width each time. I’m trying to investigate and will reply with new info. Also when my code changes tabs (swaps the content view and animates a window resize) this counts as an event that causes the issue (if the bottom edge of the new size of window is far down enough).

Lowest pixel above the bad zone:

One pixel down:

I know I’m posting a lot, you’re all so helpful, thank you!!!



it looks like a custom content border (size inspector)

My content border is “autosize”. I also found that this only happens when the window is the min height.

Update: I have a work-around, I can use custom and set the bottom one to 0.
This is a bit unsatisfactory, I want to know what was going on, there might be other issues lurking :confused:

I guess you’re using Autolayout.
It’s a constraints interdependency issue

Nope, just the good ol’ red bars :slight_smile: