I was made aware of a mistake in my previous NSRegularExpression solution, namely that while it capitalizes the first letter following a period and space characters, it doesn’t make the rest of the sentence lowercase, as the poster requested. The following modified NSRegularExpression solution corrects that problem.
The key to its functionality is the regular expression pattern
As a whole, the pattern matches a single sentence, beginning with the period preceding the sentence (or the start of the input string) and extending to but not including the period at the end of the sentence. The regular expression pattern’s first component
is a non-capturing group that matches either zero or more spaces at the start of the input string, or a period followed by one or more spaces. The second component
is a capturing group that matches the first non-period character, i.e., the first character of the sentence. It corresponds to its match object’s rangeAtIndex:1. The third component
is another capturing group that matches any subsequent number of non-period characters, i.e., the remaining characters of the sentence. It corresponds to its match object’s rangeAtIndex:2.
tell (current application's NSMutableString's stringWithString:selectedText) to set {strObj, strRange} to {it, current application's NSMakeRange(0, its |length|())}
set regexObj to (current application's NSRegularExpression's regularExpressionWithPattern:"(?:^\\s*|\\.\\s+)([^.])([^.]*)" options:0 |error|:(missing value))
set my matchObjs to (regexObj's matchesInString:strObj options:0 range:strRange) as list
repeat with currMatchObj in my matchObjs
set {sentenceFirstCharRange, sentenceRemainingCharsRange} to {currMatchObj's rangeAtIndex:1, currMatchObj's rangeAtIndex:2}
set {sentenceFirstChar, sentenceRemainingChars} to {strObj's substringWithRange:sentenceFirstCharRange, strObj's substringWithRange:sentenceRemainingCharsRange}
(strObj's replaceCharactersInRange:sentenceFirstCharRange withString:(sentenceFirstChar's uppercaseString()))
(strObj's replaceCharactersInRange:sentenceRemainingCharsRange withString:(sentenceRemainingChars's lowercaseString()))
end repeat
set selectedText to strObj as text
Using a modified version of peavine’s example,
" this is a sentence. this is a Sentence. this is a sentence.
this is a sentence. this is a Sentence. t.
u. this is a Sentence. this is a sentence."
" This is a sentence. This is a sentence. This is a sentence.
This is a sentence. This is a sentence. T.
U. This is a sentence. This is a sentence."