URL access progress bar

I’m writing an applet to download a set of files from a remote site. Right now, the code that does the download is

			with timeout of 3600 seconds
				tell application "URL Access Scripting"
					download NewFileURL to (NewFileLocation as file specification) replacing yes with progress
				end tell
			end timeout

Under MacOS 9, the progress dialog shows up just fine, but under OS X, there is no progress bar. Is there anything I can do to enable the bar?

I haven’t tried to use the progress bar but I seem to recall several scripters saying that it doesn’t work in OS X.

– Rob

In that case, is there any way to indicate to the user that a (potentially long) download is in progress?

I found a Q&A note on the Apple web site about the missing progress dialog:

I use Extra Suites for progress bars.

– Rob