URL Access Scripting error: some data was the wrong type

I want to upload some jpg’s to my webspace at ftp.shaw.ca but my simple script gives me this error: “URL Access Scripting got an error: some data was the wrong type”

Does the error mean my path:to:image.jpg is wrong? The path to the pic “body_by_jake.jpg” is shown below:

[Brock:~/Desktop/upload] blaineyoung% pwd
[Brock:~/Desktop/upload] blaineyoung% ls body*.*

Here is my script:
tell application “URL Access Scripting”
upload file “Users:blaineyoung:Desktop:upload:body_by_jake.jpg” to¬
ftp://ynotbid:teachme@ftp.shaw.ca/pics” with replacing
end tell

Thanks in advance for your help.
Blaine Young

I found an upload script in the Fetch folder which does what I want so there is no need to reply to this post. thanks. I really like this site. Thanks for everyone who makes it available.