URL Access Scripting hair-pulling.

Hi Bill,
after reading your post, I have tried some “incarnations” too, because the function seems interesting in some context, and I have one…
But, like you, there is no way to make this @##@%!!¡¡@ application work correctly (it doesn’t work at all). The only action it performs correct is the download of a file…
I think the “TCP/IP scripting addition” can help you in the possibility you want to give at your script. It is a bit more complex to put in work, but more powerfull too.
You can get the “TCP/IP scripting addition” direct from the “Scripting Additions” section of the bbs.applescript.net web site (this web site).

Thanks Roberto

Do you need to include a user name and password for your server?
What works for me is something like:

tell application "URL Access Scripting"
upload "Macintosh HD:Sample Text" to "ftp://username:password@myserver.com/mydirectory/" with progress
end tell
or other servers may require your user name as your directory, such as:
tell application "URL Access Scripting"
upload "Macintosh HD:Sample Text" to "ftp://username:password@myserver.com/username/" with progress
end tell

I hope this helps.