User-defined buttons

I’m pretty new to Xcode/ASObjC but I do know some of the basics. I want to allow the user to initiate buttons based upon saved clipboard items. Basically I’d like to build a very simple clipboard manager that only works with one specific clipboard item type. I’ve already written most of the backend (with a lot of help from Shane Stanley and his book, ‘Everyday AppleScriptObjC’). Have a look at what I’ve already done:

I feel the next logical step is to build a UI that does a few basic things:
-Initiate a button (+)
-Prompt the user to select an item within a specific program (Final Cut Pro X), copy to clipboard, parse and save the data. The data will include the name of the button and a path to the icon.
-Use the name and icon to populate a button template and create a button
-Automatically save state of the button layout
-Allow the user to remove the button (-)
-Allow the user to add up to 25 buttons

Can ASObjC be used to create buttons programmatically?

Any pointers would be greatly appreciated (and would probably save me a lot of time chasing dead-ends).