I’m using paparazzi to take a picture of a web page. I used the record function to create this script.
tell application "Paparazzi!"
tell application "System Events"
keystroke return
delay 10
keystroke "s" using command down
keystroke tab
keystroke "paparimage"
delay 2
keystroke tab
keystroke tab
key code 125
keystroke return
delay 1
keystroke return
keystroke "q" using command down
end tell
end tell
but I’d like to learn how to do this with the dictionary and built in commands.
so far I have this
tell application "Paparazzi!"
set minsize to {860, 625}
capture "http://www.wpr.org/book/lastweek.html" minsize
save ttbook1 as JPEG in "HD:Users:user:Music:Audio Hijack:paparimage:ttbookedit:"
end tell
The capture worked fine but I’d like to use the optional parameter for min size
capture‚v : Captures an URL.
capture Unicode text : The URL to capture.
[crop size list] : The crop size, as {width, height}.
[delay small real] : Delay between load and capture, in seconds.
[min size list] : The minimum size, as {width, height}.
I also wanted to use save as jpeg but I think my filepath is wrong.
I have searched for information on parameters but I can’t find an example using one.
save‚v : Saves the captured image. Returns true on success.
save [anything] : The image to save. Will use the main window’s image if not specified. (Not yet implemented.)
as JPEG/PDF/PNG/TIFF : The save format.
in alias : Where to save the image.
[icon boolean] : Save a thumbnail icon? (Default false.)
[quality small real] : The save quality from 0.0 to 1.0; only applies to JPEG. Defaults to 1.0.
→ boolean
To my mind the scripting support in Paparazzi is a bit odd, but I think this will do what you want.
tell application "Paparazzi!"
set minsize to {860, 625}
set filename to "ttbook1.jpg"
capture "http://www.wpr.org/book/lastweek.html" min size minsize
repeat while busy
-- To wait until the page is loaded.
end repeat
save as JPEG in "HD:Users:user:Music:Audio Hijack:paparimage:ttbookedit:" & filename
end tell
Did you look at the example script that (I think) came with the application?
Thanks John,
I added a few modifactions now and it works great. This is the current script
tell application "Paparazzi!"
set minsize to {859, 625}
set filename to "ttbookpic1.jpg"
set iconame to (true)
capture "http://www.wpr.org/book/lastweek.html" min size minsize
repeat while busy
-- To wait until the page is loaded.
end repeat
save as JPEG in "Macintosh HD:Users:username:desktop:temp files:" & filename icon iconame
quit application "Paparazzi!"
end tell
I just have a few more questions. If I would also like to use this file in the next part. What would I do to assign it to a variable so I could pass it on outside of the end tell?
I couldn’t find a sample script in the paparazzi program folder. Is that where it should be?