using openURL to upload files

i am currently using openURL to complete forms that refer to an image. But the image has to be uploaded manually.

The site is split into 2 forms, the upload form and the details form.

I have tried to dabble with curl but cant seem to get it to work, so wondered whether i could do it with openURl.

for example

openURL “
can i do something similar??

try this :

with timeout of 99999 seconds
	tell application "URL Access Scripting"
		upload doc to targetserver replacing yes with progress without binhexing
	end tell
	display dialog "Fichier :" & doc & "uploadé avec succès. continuer ?" buttons {"Continuer...", "Arrêter"}
	if the button returned of the result is "Continuer..." then LaunchScript()
end timeout

hope it helps