Basically I need a variable with a number at the end of it, which allows me to not write code for each variable.
on buttonClicked:sender
if sender's title() as integer = 1 then
set myVariable1 to something
else if sender's title() as integer = 2 then
set myVariable2 to something
else if sender's title() as integer = .....
end if
end buttonClicked:
and this continues for each variable.
All I need is like a tag to the variable, so that I don’t have to write the code all the times.
I have already tried with an NSMutableArray:
set array to current application's NSMutableArray's alloc()'s init()
set variables to {myVariable1, myVariable2, myVariable3, myVariable4, myVariable5, myVariable6}
array's addObjectsFromArray:variables
set key to (sender's title() as integer)
set (array's objectAtIndex:key) to "some text"
but I get this error: *** -[MyClass mySelector:]: Couldn't set «class ocid» id «data optr000000001092D47CFF7F0000» to "some text". (error -10006)
as you have an index value I recommend to use an (Applescript) array rather than a couple of variables
For example if you have 4 elements
property myArray : missing value
on applicationWillFinishLaunching:aNotification
set myArray to {missing value, missing value, missing value, missing value}
end applicationWillFinishLaunching:
and then
on buttonClicked:sender
if sender's title() as integer = 1 then
set item 1 of myArray to "something"
else if sender's title() as integer = 2 then
set item 2 of myArray to "something else"
else if sender's title() as integer = 3 then
set item 3 of myArray to "still something else"
else if sender's title() as integer = 4 then
set item 4 of myArray to "still something else yet"
end if
end buttonClicked:
or, if the same text is supposed to be written at a different index
on buttonClicked:sender
set theIndex to sender’s title() as integer
set item theIndex of myArray to “something”
end buttonClicked:
I would suggest to use an NSMutableDictionary instead of an NSMutableArray. The “key” for arrays has to be an integer, when using dictionary the key can be equivalent to the title of the button.
set variables to {myVariable1, myVariable2, myVariable3, myVariable4, myVariable5, myVariable6}
set titles to {"title 1", "title 2", "title 3", "title 4", "title 5", "title 6"}
set dict to current application's NSMutableDictionary's dictionaryWithObjects:variables forKeys:titles
--get variable
set myVar to dict's objectForKey:sender's title()
--set variable
dict's setObject:"some text" ForKey:sender's title()
p.s. I’m not behind a mac right now so forgive any typo’s I have made
Thanks to both!
I used DJ Bazzie Wazzie suggestion because it’s closer to what I needed.
Actually what would have been perfect was to use those variable normally, without calling every time “dict’s objectForKey:”. But never mind, it’s good even so.
Anyway, if the variables are outlets connected to something in IB, how can I create an Outlet Collection, like in Objective-C?
Ok I resolved.
Let’s say we have a function like this:
on setImages:sender
set key to sender's tag()
if key = 1 then
imageView1's setImage:myImage
else if key = 2 then
imageView2's setImage:myImage
else if key = 3 then
imageView3's setImage:myImage
end if
end setImages:
The short version is this:
on setImages:sender
set key to sender's tag as integer
set keyPath to (current application's NSString's stringWithFormat:("imageView" & key & ".image"))
my setValue:myImage forKeyPath:keyPath
end setImages: