–R1: volN = 256
–R2: volN = 100 %
–R3: volN2 = 256
–R4: volN2 = 100 %
–R1: volN = 320
–R2: volN = 125 %
–R3: volN2 = 320
–R4: volN2 = 125 %
–R1: volN = 400
–R2: volN = 156 %
–R3: volN2 = 320 ︎ (???)
–R4: volN2 = 125 % ︎ (???)
on vol(n)
tell application “VLC”
set audio volume to n
set volN to (get audio volume)
say “volN =” & n --R1: volN = …
say "VolN = " & (n * 100) div 256 & “%” – R2: volN = … %
set volN2 to (get audio volume)
say "volN2 = " & volN2 – R3: volN2 = …
say "volN2 = " & (volN2 * 100) div 256 & “%” --R4: volN2 = … %
end tell
end vol
Dictionary VLC:
audio volume (integer) : The volume of the current playlist item from 0 to 512, where 256 is 100%.
Why can’t I get a volume value higher than 320 (125%) in VLC?
Thanks so much for any help.