I am trying to voice the count of events on today’s date but I cannot get it to work at all. Can someone help me figure out what I am doing wrong?
on isVoiceOverRunning()
set isRunning to false
tell application "System Events"
set isRunning to (name of processes) contains "VoiceOver"
end tell
return isRunning
end isVoiceOverRunning
on isVoiceOverRUnningWithAppleScript()
if isVoiceOverRunning() then
set isRunningWithAppleScript to true
-- is AppleScript enabled on VoiceOver --
tell application "VoiceOver"
set x to bounds of vo cursor
on error
set isRunningWithAppleScript to false
end try
end tell
return isRunningWithAppleScript
end if
return false
end isVoiceOverRUnningWithAppleScript
on calendarEvents()
tell application "Calendar"
set my_Calendars to every calendar
set beginningDate to (current date)
set hours of beginningDate to 8
set minutes of beginningDate to 0
set seconds of beginningDate to 0
set endDate to beginningDate + (8 * hours)
set eventCount to 0
repeat with a_calendar in my_Calendars
tell a_calendar to set my_Events to (every event whose (start date is greater than or equal to beginningDate) and (start date is less than or equal to endDate))
set eventCount to eventCount + (count of my_Events)
end repeat
end tell
end calendarEvents
set eventString to " "
set eventCount to calendarEvents()
if eventCount is less than 10 then
set eventString to eventCount & " events today" as string
set eventString to eventCount & " events today. Good Luck" as string
end if
if isVoiceOverRUnningWithAppleScript() then
tell application "VoiceOver"
output eventString
end tell
say eventString
delay 2
end if
([applescript] and [/applescript] posting tags added by NG.)
I would not want to delve into redundant code to search for errors. Therefore, I cleaned it and tested the improved version.
For the output command, I provide test text. Especially so that it can be seen that the script is working correctly.
Try the script in 4 states: VoiceOver on/off + AppleScript enabled/disabled. (You do this states using VoiceOver item on the panel Accessibility of System Preferences). After checking the script, replace the test text back with the variable eventString, as in the old script:
set eventString to " "
tell application "Calendar"
set beginningDate to (current date)
tell beginningDate to set {its hours, its minutes, its seconds} to {8, 0, 0}
set endDate to beginningDate + (8 * hours)
set eventCount to 0
repeat with a_calendar in (calendars)
tell a_calendar
set my_Events to (events whose (start date ≥ beginningDate) and (start date ≤ endDate))
end tell
set eventCount to eventCount + (count my_Events)
end repeat
end tell
if eventCount is < 10 then
set eventString to eventCount & " events today" as string
set eventString to eventCount & " events today. Good Luck" as string
end if
tell application "System Events" to set isRunning to (name of processes) contains "VoiceOver"
if isRunning then -- VoiceOver is ON
tell application "VoiceOver"
set x to bounds of vo cursor
output "This is one Test text" -- (VoiceOver is ON) & (AppleScript is ENABLED)
end tell
on error
say eventString -- (VoiceOver is ON) & (AppleScript is DISABLED)
end try
say eventString -- (VoiceOver is OFF) & (AppleScript is ENABLED or DISABLED)
end if
I guess I forgot to put its keyword before the word events.
It is better to put code lines setting the dates before the tell block, to increase the speed of the script and improve the syntax.
Sure you have attached different colours to your different calendars to see which calendar is owner of which event?
set eventString to " "
set beginningDate to (current date)
tell beginningDate to set {its hours, its minutes, its seconds} to {8, 0, 0}
set endDate to beginningDate + (8 * hours)
tell application "Calendar"
set eventCount to 0
repeat with a_calendar in (calendars)
tell a_calendar
set my_Events to (its events whose (start date ≥ beginningDate) and (start date ≤ endDate))
end tell
set eventCount to eventCount + (count my_Events)
end repeat
end tell
if eventCount < 10 then
set eventString to eventCount & " events today" as string
set eventString to eventCount & " events today. Good Luck" as string
end if
tell application "System Events" to set isRunning to (name of processes) contains "VoiceOver"
if isRunning then -- VoiceOver is ON
tell application "VoiceOver"
set x to bounds of vo cursor
output eventString -- (VoiceOver is ON) & (AppleScript is ENABLED)
end tell
on error
say eventString -- (VoiceOver is ON) & (AppleScript is DISABLED)
end try
say eventString -- (VoiceOver is OFF) & (AppleScript is ENABLED or DISABLED)
end if
NOTE: don’t see what returns my_Events variable because it returns the events of only the last loop of repeat loop. That is, the events of last calendar of repeat loop.
I tested, the script works correct. I tested this way:
set eventString to " "
set beginningDate to (current date)
tell beginningDate to set {its hours, its minutes, its seconds} to {8, 0, 0}
set endDate to beginningDate + (8 * hours)
tell application "Calendar"
set allEvents to {}
repeat with a_calendar in (calendars)
tell a_calendar
set my_Events to (its events whose (start date ≥ beginningDate) and (start date ≤ endDate))
end tell
set allEvents to allEvents & my_Events
end repeat
end tell
set eventCount to count allEvents
if eventCount < 10 then
set eventString to eventCount & " events today" as string
set eventString to eventCount & " events today. Good Luck" as string
end if
tell application "System Events" to set isRunning to (name of processes) contains "VoiceOver"
if isRunning then -- VoiceOver is ON
tell application "VoiceOver"
set x to bounds of vo cursor
output eventString -- (VoiceOver is ON) & (AppleScript is ENABLED)
end tell
on error
say eventString -- (VoiceOver is ON) & (AppleScript is DISABLED)
end try
say eventString -- (VoiceOver is OFF) & (AppleScript is ENABLED or DISABLED)
end if
return allEvents