We often face situation in which an AppleScript proceeds before a file operation has stopped and errors as a result. Here are a few ways to see if a file is busy (or created yet).
-- Wait for a saved file to exist (good if it is a new file)
-- Matt-Boy
tell application "Finder"
repeat while not (exists file (PathToFile & FileName))
delay 0.5
end repeat
end tell
-- Wait for the file to be openable (jj)
open for access file x -- if this succeeds, the file is not busy.
close access result
exit repeat
on error -- file is busy
delay 3
end try
-- Wait for the file size to stabilize (or any other property in 'info for')
-- Original form by John Welch
to fileChanged(myFile)
-- initialize the loop
set Size_1 to size of (info for myFile) -- get initial size
delay 3 --wait 3 seconds, or whatever
set Size_2 to size of (info for myFile) -- get a newer size, perhaps bigger
-- repeat until sizes match
repeat while Size_2 ≠Size_1 -- if they don't equal, loop until they do
set Size_1 to Size_2 -- new base size
delay 3 --wait three seconds, or whatever
set Size_2 to size of (info for myFolder) -- get a newer size
end repeat -- once the sizes match, the download is done
end fileChanged
-- Use do shell script lsof (list open files)
set var to false
repeat until var = true
set the_files to (do shell script "lsof -F n +d " & (quoted form of POSIX path of source_folder))
on error the_error
if the_error = "The command exited with a non-zero status." then
set var to true
-- do what you were waiting for
set the_files to the_error
end if
end try
delay 1 -- or whatever
end repeat
More variations welcome.