I want to build a script that will watch Entourage, and when new mail comes in, save the attachment, then delete the mail. There is a lot more to the script than I have described here but I have the rest down. I have been looking at the dictionary but am at a bit of a loss. Could anybody put me on the right path?
Jake Norris
Surely this could be done directly from entourage. using the rules settings.
To a point, yes you can. What I am trying to achieve is mostly possible with rules, but I require that the attachments be saved into a different folder each week defined in part by name and in part by numeric index(something I have been struggling to master also). Is there a way of achieving this with rules to achieve the outcome desired, or a combination of rules and applescript?
I’ve got this, its working nice for me, think I have found at least the base to it (if not the whole script) here on MacScripter:
tell application "Microsoft Entourage"
set selectedMsg to (current messages)
set selectedMsg to item 1 of result
repeat with i from 1 to count of attachments in selectedMsg
set msgAttachment to attachments of selectedMsg
set msgAttachment to result's item i
set attachmentName to name of msgAttachment
set attachmentFile to ("Path:To:Folder" & attachmentName) as text
--> save message to disk before we open it
save msgAttachment in attachmentFile
end repeat
tell application "Finder"
open folder "Path:To:Folder"
set frontmost to true
end tell
end tell
Can you not point the rule at the applescript (when new mail arrives run script)
Hmmm, yes… thats what I do with my script, I might have missunderstood the question…
I want to build a script that will watch Entourage, and when new mail comes in, …
The rule does the watching.
Then calls the script.
Rather than a Script does the watching and saving to folders.