I’m trying to do the following:
Create a watch folder that I can save videos into and have them automatically encoded with Apple Compressor. I found this script via this link but it’s quite old. It does, however, MOSTLY work. The problem is no matter what I do I still have to click on the “Start Batch” in the droplet.
I’ve searched the archives here but all of the discussions I’ve found are very dated so I thought it would be good to ask again.
on adding folder items to thisFolder after receiving theItems
-- this is the standard intro for a folder action
repeat with f in theItems
-- wait for the item to be all there
set Was to 0
set isNow to 1
repeat while isNow ≠ Was
-- the basic idea is that the script loops until the file size is the same for more than 30 seconds. That means the file has finished copying.
set Was to size of (info for f)
-- this section is getting the file size of the video
delay 30
set isNow to size of (info for f)
-- this section is sampling the file size 30 seconds later
end repeat
tell application "Finder"
open theItems using application file "Droplet.app" of folder "Desktop" of folder “user” of folder "Users" of startup disk
end tell
end repeat -- get next item f in thisFolder
end adding folder items to