Weird list issue in InDesign applescript

I’m having a bit of a kerfuffle. I wrote a script that selects paragraphs of text frames within groups. Without putting the result into a list I get the correct paragraphs. However, when I try to put each paragrah into a list, I get a weird result. The list winds up having 8 repetitions of the first paragraph, followed by the rest of the paragraphs.

Here is the script

tell application "Adobe InDesign CS3"
	tell active document
		set myCreditList to {}
		set myPages to every page
		repeat with j from 1 to count of myPages
			tell page j
				set myGroups to every group
				repeat with aGroup in myGroups
					set groupItemList to (every page item of aGroup whose class is text frame)
					repeat with anItem in groupItemList
						set paraLength to number of paragraphs in anItem
						repeat with i from 1 to paraLength
							if name of applied paragraph style of paragraph i of anItem is "08_ImageCredit" then
								set actualParagraph to paragraph i of anItem
								set theCredit to (characters 8 thru -1 of actualParagraph as text) & "; p." & (j as text)
							end if
						end repeat
					end repeat
				end repeat
			end tell
			copy theCredit to end of myCreditList
		end repeat
	end tell
	display dialog myCreditList
end tell
	end tell

the display dialog returns an error and the event log shows that myCreditList is:
{“© Terry G. McCrea/Smithsonian Institution; p.1”, “© Terry G. McCrea/Smithsonian Institution; p.1”, “© Terry G. McCrea/Smithsonian Institution; p.1”, “© Terry G. McCrea/Smithsonian Institution; p.1”, “© Terry G. McCrea/Smithsonian Institution; p.1”, “© Terry G. McCrea/Smithsonian Institution; p.1”, “© Terry G. McCrea/Smithsonian Institution; p.1”, “© Terry G. McCrea/Smithsonian Institution; p.1”, “Copyright Nick Catford from Subterranea Britannica web site,; p.9”, " Mortadelo2005/; p.10", “SqueakyMarmot/; p.11”, “Omer Simkha/ ; p.12”}

What can cause the script to enter the first pic 8 times?
Please help!